Temptation Island

Temptation Island by C.C. Soltry

Book: Temptation Island by C.C. Soltry Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.C. Soltry
a greasy roll and Carm turned her back on Marek.  She let her gaze roam the spacious room. 
    It was a fabulous space she had to admit. Light wood flooring spanned wall to wall with vibrant rugs scattered around the room.  Two deep cushioned brown leather chairs faced the marble fireplace.  Some gorgeous pottery had been placed around the room on stools and shelves.  Huge palm plants added the final touch giving the office a professional but breezy feel.  The artwork that graced the butterscotch walls was tasteful and bold, a mixture of contemporary pieces and landscapes.
    Too bad it belonged to such a pig.
    Spinning around to face Marek she demanded, “Why did you lie about your name?”
    Marek stood before the floor to ceiling windows looking outside at the lawn.  At the sound of Carm’s voice he turned and locked his eyes on her.  Without warning a jolt shot like liquid fire through her blood.  The man was too gorgeous for his own good. 
    “I didn’t lie Carmen.  My name is Marek.  William Marek Stokes.  I haven’t gone by William since I was in diapers.  I only use it now in a professional context for my business.”  Leaning a broad shoulder against the wall Marek added, “And as for the rest, I thought you’d be a one night stand, cheri .  I didn’t feel obligated to divulge information.  Oh, I see that offends you.  Tough. You should have known the rules before you played the game, sugar.”
    Oh, it felt cold and shallow the way he put it.  The man didn’t have a sympathetic bone in his body.  He just kept the insults rolling.
    Wanting to throw something at his thick head, Carm looked around and spotted a nice clay urn.  That’ll do .  Before she even made a move toward it Marek stopped her. 
    “I wouldn’t do that, sweetheart.  I’m fond of that piece of pottery there and I’d hate to have to throttle you for breaking it.  Now, why don’t we sit down and discuss this whole business like adults.  That is what you came here to do, isn’t it?  Or had you planned on throwing things until I agreed to whatever you wanted?”
    The man was a rat.  A dirty, filthy rat.  How could he read her mind like that?  She had intended to do whatever it took to make the owner of Blue Mist Coffees see reason. 
    Glaring daggers across the room at him, Carm had to reluctantly admit she was impressed by the change in him.  With his professional attire of slate grey slacks and blue Oxford shirt and his hair subdued he little resembled the man that had walked out of her hotel room that morning.  With the change of clothes brought a hard edge to his personality.
    She was beginning to understand how he could make such a heartless decision about Kate.  He was able to because he had no heart.
    At length Carm responded, “Fine.  We’ll sit and discuss this like civilized adults.  Before we do that I want to say that I think you’re despicable, unfeeling, and a lousy human being.”
    “Good.  Now that we’ve exchanged pleasantries lets get down to business.”  Marek pushed away from the wall and returned to his seat behind the desk.
    Carm stared at Marek.  The man was unflappable.  And it irritated the hell out of her.
    Huffing, Carm sat down in the high backed chair and waited.  Impatience got the better of her, however, and she blurted, “You can’t pull your business from my sister’s coffeehouse, Marek.  I would hold you personally responsible for putting her out of business.”
    Marek sifted through some papers on his desk and said without looking up, “From what I understand it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if she did go under.  She’s been handling her affairs poorly and immaturely.  Her husband feels it would be best for me to withdraw my support so that I don’t feel any effects of her ill behavior and before she tries to con me as she has her other business partners.  I cannot fault his logic.”
    Outraged, Carm spouted, “What are you talking about?  Kate is a

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