The Caregiver

The Caregiver by Shelley Shepard Gray Page B

Book: The Caregiver by Shelley Shepard Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Shepard Gray
passengers exited the train. Following the rest of the crowd, Lucy stepped onto the moving stairs toward the main level of the terminal. The snack bar was closed, and only a few people stood in line at the ticket counters.
    Lucy slumped a bit as she stared around her. For a brief instant, she’d been looking for Mattie’s cheerful face. Aching for Mattie’s usual bright smile of welcome. Mattie had always arrived in Michigan exuberantly—her arms wide open for a fierce hug.
    But it was a wishful thought, of course. Lucy had come to Ohio to take care of Mattie, not be greeted by her.
    Calvin, whom she had studiously been ignoring the whole time, squeezed through the crowd and approached. Right behind him was his shadow. Katie looked terribly cute and prim in her black bonnet. John was trailing behind them, talking on his cell phone.
    Lucy stopped and waited for them to approach.
    “I’m glad you stopped,” Calvin said. “I thought I was going to have to chase you through the whole terminal.”
    Lucy supposed she deserved that. “I’m glad we will have the chance to say goodbye to each other.” Lucy smiled at them both. “Well, I wish you well on the rest of your journey home.”
    His lips thinned. “Well, I see whatever was bothering you is still with you, alive and well.”
    “It’s not likely to leave, Calvin. I know what I saw.” Though a flicker of hurt flashed in his eyes, she pushed the slight feeling of guilt away.
    She needed to remember just how kind Paul had been to her when they’d been courting. He’d been courteous and pleasant. And then, after she’d pledged to be his wife for life, he showed his true colors.
    There was a good chance that Calvin was cut from the same cloth. And even if he wasn’t, they would most likely never see each other again. They would soon part.
    For that matter, she didn’t need a man in her life at all. And most especially, not one with a temper.
    Calvin adjusted the straps of his orange backpack as they continued the long walk to the baggage claim area. “How will you travel to Jacob’s Crossing?”
    “Charlie, Mattie’s English driver, is going to pick me up at seven-thirty.”
    He looked at her worriedly. “That’s quite a bit of time from now.”
    He was right. But it was how things went. “Not so much.”
    “Would you like us to wait with you?”
    “Of course not.” Though Lucy knew his concern for her was genuine, it felt confining all of a sudden. She didn’t want to depend on him. “I’ll stay inside, where there’re lots of people,” she said, taking care to keep her voice cool and collected. “Now, what about you?”
    Calvin looked embarrassed. “My brothers are on their way.”
    “In a buggy?”
    “Oh, no. They hired a driver.” He flashed a smile. “I’m half surprised my Uncle John didn’t want to rent a car, but perhaps this is just as easy for now.”
    Hearing about their plans made her feel empty. Even though she knew she was doing the right thing, it was still hard. “Well, I wish you well.”
    He gripped her shoulder just as she was turning away. “Lucy, stop—”
    Her arm felt like it was on fire from his grip. With a shake, she pulled away from him. “ Nee . We have . . . We have nothing else to say.”
    Stung, Calvin let his hand slowly fall to his side. “You don’t think so? That is a shame.”
    His words were sharp. Painful to hear. For a split second, Lucy considered apologizing. Imagined grabbing his hand.
    “Goodbye, Lucy.”
    “Goodbye. And . . . and thank you for taking me to the zoo. I liked it very much.”
    He frowned. “Perhaps I’ll see you in Jacob’s Crossing.”
    “Yes. I’m sure I’ll see you there.” Yes, no matter how much she might be tempted to give in, she needed to remind herself not to count on him. Not to forget how happy she’d once been with Paul. How he, too, had once pulled her in with an easy smile and shining eyes.
    “All right, then,” he said, but still, he looked

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