The Chieftain Needs an Heir - a Highland ménage novella (Clan MacKrannan's Secret Traditions)

The Chieftain Needs an Heir - a Highland ménage novella (Clan MacKrannan's Secret Traditions) by Jonnet Carmichael Page B

Book: The Chieftain Needs an Heir - a Highland ménage novella (Clan MacKrannan's Secret Traditions) by Jonnet Carmichael Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonnet Carmichael
energies coming from the Green Man behind Cecily had exhilarated her since the circle had been turned back in.  The life forces fairly bounced off the walls now.  At key moments she could see the major vortexes swirling around Sorcha at the arch, and a minor one at Hilde's rousing task. 
    Cecily had covertly watched Hector throughout, his star being opposite hers, and she could see how solemnly he took this Tradition.  He'd stood throughout like a statue.  Although she supposed that the Captain of the Queen's Bodyguard would be used to standing motionless for long periods of time, the events going on at the arch were hardly of the everyday variety.
    His face had given nothing away dur ing the two couplings.  Anyone looking at him would think he was overseeing the royals at a game of croquet.  But she'd seen his reaction to Ruaridh walking to Hilde, and that escalated when Hilde disrobed and performed the rousing task.  His ears went back, and his eyes froze as if he'd stopped them in the midst of widening, and he stopped blinking altogether.  An onlooker may have seen nothing much different about his face, because he'd arrested his reaction so quickly, but Cecily saw his initial amazement move into something else.
    Either he had a notion for Hilde, which she'd never seen sign of, or he hadn't known the younger Wisewomen could do the rousings.
    The trouble with the Sight was that you never got to use it for your own good.  None of the Wisewomen would even use their clairvoyant gifts on each other, for that would be ju st the same as using your own.
    Motivation was everything.  She had to let life bring her what she was meant to have.  And right now life was bringing her Hector MacKrannan, walking naked towards her with a pot of honey, and she thought her thudding heartbeat would be heard throughout Scotland.
    Cecily was supposed to be the face-reader around here, yet she felt like the inspected one as Hector came down from his great height onto one knee and held out the nectar.  Her features would just have to arrange themselves without her conscious input for there was work to be done, and her flustered mind was scrambling to remember Oona's sequence of instructions and what Hilde had done to Ruaridh with such success. 
    A scoop of honey for his ingestion, that was it.  He brought her dripping fingers to his mouth and sensuously licked them until she hummed the bees' song and bade him rise.
    T ake her robe off… was that next, or…
    She pulled it up, and somehow got the sleeves into a fankle with her hair and the more she tugged the more the mess wouldn't budge.
    Hector knew he should no' help her disrobe but what could a man do when the whole bumphle had stuck round her head?  Body exposed, face hidden and arms high and powerless – it was much what awaited him at the arch, except this was Cecily in all her glory, succulent breasts jiggling at him while she struggled.  Ahh… hell… even his imaginings had no' done her justice.
    He found the Celtic knotwork of the garment's hem and yanked it as far as her waist to let him at her hair for disentangling.  Her surprised face appeared briefly before he lifted the whole robe off her in a swipe of impatience.  Her arms and chestnut locks came back down, and her eyes went straight to his cock… he followed her stare to find the rousing had already begun.
    Hector folded the robe for her, and held her hand as she knelt down and tidied all her hair away.  The thought of what she was about to do was enough to stir him further, and he fought it, for she must have the achievement for herself.
    Cecily had been attuned to the greater energies around the chamber and the sparkling vortexes appearing.  She was excited beyond bearing to be given the task of preparing the third phallus for its part in the remedy, and this was Hector… Hector!
    All but Sorch a were watching.  The positions of the stars meant that most would see exactly what she did, and the rest would

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