The Chosen
images granted to him by Xanth’s eyes. The man approached out of concern, not aggression and so the dwarf made no move to oppose him.
    “Are we finished here, Master Philip?” Zorbin asked in a deeper voice than was usual.
    “Indeed we are, Zorbin. I am sorry for hurting Xanth but I panicked and saw no other way to free myself. Our sparring has concluded so you may return to your normal form,” Philip said, his voice filled with concern.
    “I am afraid I do not know how to turn it off,” Zorbin stated simply.
    “Hmm, let’s see if I can find a proper way to explain it to you. Try if you can to find the source of Gorandor’s power within your mind. When you locate it, focus on stopping it. Try to imagine yourself shutting it behind a door. That’s what I do. Then when I require my blessing again, I simply open the door,” Philip explained.
    The excitement of battle ended, Zorbin’s pain from the dozens of injuries he had sustained returned. But as his pulse and breathing returned to normal he was finally able to focus and do exactly as Philip had told him. He located the source of the power without much trouble and imagining himself closing it behind a door he willed it to stay its flow, at least for the time being. As the mental door was secured in place, both he and Xanth shimmered briefly, then with a sharp snap like the coals in a fire crackling, they returned to their unblessed forms.
    Looking across the field, Philip watched Daniella rise to her feet seemingly finished healing Sirus and Garret. As she crossed the field towards them he also saw both Garret and Sirus lift themselves into seated positions facing one another. Daniella arrived promptly with a big smile on her face.
    “You guys sure put on a show today. There must have been a hundred children watching through the east gate.” Daniella stated her smile never leaving her face. “Any of you require healing?” She looked at the few remnants of Zorbin’s armor and the many puncture holes in his body.
    “If it wouldn’t be too much to ask, I could use getting my sternum repaired,” Philip said with a smile of his own. “Zorbin there has several wounds that will need tending. Also, if you are familiar with animal anatomy, Xanth has a large gouge in his belly that will need tending as well.”
    Daniella nodded and quickly knelt down beside Philip. Praying to her goddess her hands immediately burst forth in holy light and she reached up to place them upon his chest. Closing her eyes briefly she focused on her task and in moments she reopened her eyes. Still praying she stood and walked to where Zorbin sat stroking Xanth’s muzzle. Without so much as a second’s hesitation she again knelt to the ground and this time placed her hands upon the dwarf’s side. Her eyes closed once again, this time for much longer as she had to seek out several smaller, harder-to-locate wounds. Many minutes later she removed her hands from Zorbin’s torso and without repositioning or opening her eyes she reached over to touch Xanth’s body. This time her face scrunched up slightly, showing the strain of her concentration. Several more minutes passed and finally, her task complete, Daniella stopped her quiet prayer. As she did the holy glow around her hands dissipated. She opened her eyes and stood once again, her smile returning.
    “I hope you are finished for the day as I fear I will be unable to do much more without some rest,” she said honestly.
    “I believe we are finished here, m’lady. If you would care to take your leave of us for the day, feel free. We will need you well rested once again tomorrow here on the field,” Philip told the young woman.
    “I will be here and ready, m’lord,” Daniella replied.
    Without another word the young woman walked away in the direction of the vast stone courtyards of the castle. Philip watched her go for a moment and then turned, offering a hand to Zorbin. Zorbin accepted the offer gratefully and with Philip’s

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