The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan

The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan by Alice Notley

Book: The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan by Alice Notley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Notley
    Laughing at the dumb blue aches so thick in her metal disc passage
    Slipping her a harangue
    She really has some rashes!
    And her cheek hays me off!
    Gruesome rash ate such sweet arms and legs;
    Who gashed her liver?
    Leprosy ate her mouth turning into her news
    I’m not saying
    She’s a creep
    A wreck
    Loving you phew hooray its fini
    The reef ’s an injun bum
    Keep on O playful
    One cent exploding cigar
    Count the ends toot the lonely ear
    Open the door let me in
    The orbs say no
    Lets sashay up the scene
    And strangle the beans
    A sick kid passed on a prairie new meat
    The sore oozes vomit up in the ear shut the drum
    Shut the earache
    Mah mumbles mope an’ dumplin
    Unless she tells me “ ’s too dumb”
    The jello ouch I love may shoot all the martinis
    My main ruse is in the mope
    When the pill before we bleat lets us glow
    The song blurs soda pop yea boo fah!
    Uncle Nakee’s dead again
    We mash and detash geese and their mothers
    Untie the russkies nookies from their loins
    Go boot them in the lung my turn
    Sell out the taint Oologah the stinky-poo undies my cookie
ain’t on time
    Tear down your undies let me see some lunch
    It’s a cute tune possibly by Camus
    The gentle Brigadoon stands here
    He sends his years to her
    To pass the two birds ta-ta you pass them
    To be complete just kiss him and you swish through the air
six seconds ago
    To attempt your bra must come off poor Marie
    Never “poor”
    Enjoy each other
    You’ll never walk alone you’ll pee indoors
    I peed Saturday
    You’re the best of them all men are such beasts they want you
    He’ll caress it from time to time
    The best one is in the parlor you sew all night poor neighbor
unhand her
    The airplane arrives in the bedroom
    The best one that you’ll ever make up the air out of
    Needling someone singing come on dish
    Need a rescue try my Grandma
    Put her on your knee desire more than her ear
    The cloak of the monkey enchanted your blouses I ask for your
    Then you pee. I have been with the sparrows
    Whose side are you on, the sparrows?
    You dolt!
    I’ll yell at these men who pass
    Hunks of shoe pass in the winter
    You’ll take a jaunt to Bali soon
    May you part own a funny train
    I love your legs the tops
    Behind the pouring radio
    One arm is Turhan Bey
    The other one a soft knee a parrot
    Orson came he loved my arms to show all of me
    Don’t hang up
    A lovely “B”
    18 francs sound of desoxyn
    The number of times I loved you
    All pass in front of the bush of truth
    The true
    Kills the goo
    Up and down keep it down lend me some acorns encore
    Here we are day I’m on you a long long way after my years
    You too have killed someone
    It kills you on the page
    So shut up we sure learn age
    A degenerate
    Degenerate kiss you clean men kill at the chance
    The looney facile gay are de rigeur today          I know it
    Smell a party
    A chevrolet my motto
    I pour the dessert on the rear of the widow
    I first poured some over the cold edge of the dice
    C’est la vie you two-face
    Three whores went forth
    Don’t be sloppy and mess with me I’ll twist yr face you clod
    Later I passed away
    I never again played
    In ambergris I occurred in the garden
    I sewed a long core and made my time
    I trotted off
    My faces flouted the last glance at the “B” in the yard
    We’ll mash your leman, plunk
    Hey unclothe clinch soon den dance
    You can kiss a pro seize your own degenerate now take some
    Lick her prow Moan her foot all over
    Your number is up turning and turning in the widening gyre
    Same only more
    The moon whops you head
    Around come the tacky girls
    Our dumb deaths flop inside our dainties
    And our nose hurts
    Lacunae oompah eye-tally
    Hell, unpant
    The roué soireé it lays you out (where?)
    At home we play and grunt
    And long for brunch
    A long time gone ate and munched
    Inside the svelte maison Samson and his hairs was there
    One egg, rare
    A brown

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