The Confession
the priest,
raped her mother? Tell me, how do you expect me to tell my little
girl that I am not her biological father? No amount of prayer will
solve this problem. I
want you out of our lives. Go back to
California and leave us alone.”
    “I won’t deny that I am
happy knowing Gail is my daughter. I already told you I regret what
happened between Lydia and myself. Naturally , you want me to go
away. I cannot do that because I am tired of running from the
    “Do you think it was easy for me
adjusting to life as a priest? I resolved myself into accepting
that I would never have a wife, never have children, never again
feel the touch of a woman. I prayed for guidance, and Our Lord
answered my prayers. I have lived my life according to His will.
The fact that I am Gail’s biological father changes nothing. You
are her father, and always will be.”
    Gail bit her lip to stop
the scream that erupted from her throat. Uncle John is my dad! How
could he rape my mom?!!
    “No! No! No!” Adam heard Gail screaming
and ran into her room. John followed. “Gail honey, what’s
    Sobbing hysterically, Gail
grabbed Adam’s hand. “ Please, Daddy; tell me it’s not true.
Tell me that you are my father. Please.”
    Father Brady turned and left the

Chapter 9
    Like a coward, I once again
run from my past. The sound of Gail’s hysterical crying has me
physically ill. I am fighting the urge to vomit. I cannot hear what
Adam is saying to her. Dear God, I beg of you, help me to cope
with the turmoil I have caused.
    Adam cradled his daughter in his arms.
“Please Gail, take a few deep breaths. I need you to calm down. Let
me call Mom, and we will explain everything to you.”
    He walked over to the other side of the
room and called Lydia. “I need you at the hospital now. Gail heard
John and me talking. She knows the truth and is crying.”
    Lydia called her sister-in-law. “I have
to go to the hospital. Can you check on Bobby while I am at the
    “What’s happened? Is Gail
    “Have you talked to Adam? Did he tell
you what happened yesterday?”
    “Yes. We spoke last night and this
morning. I am sorry Lydia. I don’t know what else to say. What’s
wrong with Gail?”
    “Adam confronted John outside her room,
and they argued. Gail heard them talking, and now she knows the
truth. I have to go to her now.”
    Running up to Bobby’s room, Lydia
kissed him on the cheek she said, “I have to see Gail. She is not
feeling well. Dad is with her now. I’ll call you as soon as I
    Bobby leaned in for a hug. “Tell Gail I
love her.”
    “I will Bobby. She knows you love
    As Lydia drove to the
hospital, she struggled to find the appropriate words. Might as well get everything out in the
open she thought as she drove into the
parking garage.
    Lydia found John standing outside of
Gail’s room. He was deathly pale and sweating. Lydia walked up to
him, raised her hand, and slapped his face. “I hate the sight of
you. How could you do this to me? You hide behind the church, but
you are still a rapist.” She heard Gail crying and it tore her up
inside. “Do you hear Gail crying? You did this to her! Why are you
here? You lost the right to be a part of my family when you raped
me. I hope you rot in hell.”
    Upon entering the room, she
found Gail crying in Adam’s arms. He looked up at her, and the
sadness and pain in his beautiful blue eyes made her knees weak.
Walking over to the bed, Lydia leaned in to kiss Gail and sat in the chair next to the bed. She folded her hands in
her lap to stop them from shaking. John entered the room but kept a
respectable distance and remained by the door.
    John, who remained standing
in the doorway, spoke first. “Gail, I am sorry I have upset you. I
know you are confused, and I will attempt to explain everything to
you.” Moving closer, he stood at the foot of the bed. “It would be
best if I start with my childhood. Your father

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