The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1
his cap in his hands. “What is your name?”
    Cassy looked at the man and smiled. “My name
is Cassandra.”
    “That is a beautiful name for a lovely young
lady. I am honored to meet you, Cassandra.” The man bowed his
    Roupert stepped forward and held out his
hand. “It is good to see you
again, Othan .”
    Othan took
the offered hand and returned the handshake. “As it is to see you
again, my friend.” He then turned to Frier.
    “Hello, my Dragon friend. You haven’t set
any fires lately, have you?” Othan teased.
    “No, but Roupert doesn’t let me sleep inside
the hut anymore,” Frier winked playfully.
    “That is wise of him,” Othan winked at Roupert.
    Othan walked over to Cassy then reached out
and took her hand in his. “I feel great courage in this one, even
though she questions herself. The Blood Key has chosen well.”
    Cassy was unsure of what to say.
    Aaron stepped forward and faced Othan. “Can
you see if I’m brave too?”
    Othan turned toward Aaron. “Ah, give me your
    Aaron held out his hand to Othan, who
grasped it with his. “Let me see, you,
my blue-eyed friend are quite intelligent, but you do not
seem to apply yourself. I see a great future ahead of you, but only if you take the time to fully
understand what is going on around you before you act.”
    Aaron pulled his hand away, wondering what
Othan had meant. He knew he was smart, but the other part made no
sense to him. “Thanks,” he replied with less than an enthusiastic
tone in his voice.
    Othan turned back to Roupert with a serious
expression on his face. “There has been much talk among the
woodland creatures of the arrival of the Champion to battle the
Evil Queen Alona. You must take heed, as word has without doubt
reached the Queen and she is preparing. We must not allow her to
best our Champion again.”
    As Cassy listened to Othan, she wondered if
she would be able to win against the Evil Queen. She reached up and
rubbed her fingertips along the Blood Key, feeling the warmth
radiating from it.
    “It talks to you, does it not?” Othan’s
voice took on a serious tone.
    “Huh? Ah, I’m not sure,” Cassy quickly
pulled her hand away from the Blood Key and put it down to her
    Othan reached up and touched the Blood Key.
“You must trust the power living inside of the Blood Key. The
King’s blood is very powerful, and if you believe in it and
yourself, there is no force in
this realm, or any other that can stop you in your quest. The spell cast by our Queen Privlana will
protect you, but you must believe. I see greatness in you,
Cassandra. I only pray that you are able to accept your
    “Do you really think that I can do it? I’m
so scared that I will fail,” she turned her head not wanting to
meet his gaze.
    “Come close, child,” Othan motioned that she
kneel down in front of him. “I believe in the wisdom of the Blood
Key and the King’s blood hidden within. I believe it chose you because you have a rare gift, the
gift of courage and self-sacrifice. You may not believe in your
destiny yet, but soon you will learn why you were chosen as our
    Cassy did not know what to say. Intense
emotions surged through her body, and she struggled not to cry.
    “Thank you, Othan. Thank you for believing
in me.” She reached out and hugged Othan so tightly that she lifted
him from the ground.
    “Oh, my, please put me down, Cassandra,”
Othan gasped with surprised by this unexpected show of
    Cassy quickly set Othan back down on the
ground. “I’m sorry, I never meant…”
    Othan straightened his ruffled clothes then
gazed up into her eyes. “There is no need to apologize. I must say
that I rather enjoyed it.”
    “I enjoyed it too,” Cassy saw compassion shining in Othan’s eyes. She had
to admit that in spite of his ruff-n-gruff exterior, Othan was, in fact, a gentle soul.
    Roupert stepped forward and patted Othan on
the shoulder. “My old friend, you need to be

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