The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire)

The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire) by A. Gardner Page A

Book: The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire) by A. Gardner Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Gardner
me.   He grins.   I hang my head.
    "Obviously I wasn't expecting a crowd."
    "But you do look amazing," he adds, clutching my sides.
    "Absolutely," he nods.   "I'm flattered."
    "This really isn't our week is it?"   I force a half smile.
    "And I'm afraid it doesn't get better."
    My heart sinks.   Please don't mention Holly.
    "I'm leaving tomorrow," he sighs.   "I'll be in England until next week."   That was better news than sorry I've met someone else.
    "So I guess you wouldn't be interested in a work party I sorta have to go to?"
    "Sorry darling," he apologizes.   "I was going to give you a ring as soon as my friends left.   I've got to keep up with contacts, you know."
    "I understand."   I'd been so eager to speed things up that I wasn't thinking straight.   Had Holly been counting on that?   "Two weeks until your deadline," I joke.   "That's cutting it close."
    "You have no idea."
    "About last night."   I bite my lip.   Was this the best time to bring it up?
    "My mum is a bit mad," he comments.
    "And Holly?"   I can feel my hands clenching tighter.
    "She's better.   What a nasty reaction, yeah?   I've been meaning to speak to the hotel manager."
    "No."   It was my immediate response.   "I mean, what good would that do?"   Rex shrugs, checking his watch.
    "Please consider staying until they leave."   Was he insane?   I'd rather die.
    "I can't."
    "Then I'll see you next week."   He kisses me again.   "We'll pick up where we left off?"   I smile as he kisses me again.   I close my eyes, letting the firm press of his mouth fill my chest with fire.   Our lips part and explore each other further.
    "Don't go back," I whisper.   "Sneak away to my place."
    "Next week," he breathes.   "I promise, I'm yours."

    Chapter Seven
    "Don't get too excited," I say, catching Jack in the hall on his way to Earl's room.   He has a grocery bag full of chips and soda in his hand and couple of DVD rentals.   "I need a date this weekend and you'll have to do."
    "What happened to Mr. Wonderful?"
    "He's in England," I answer.   "So . . . meet me here on Saturday."   I couldn't let Dr. P see me mingling without a man.   That would make for more awkward conversations.   I didn't think quick on my feet like Sadie.   With my luck, I'd be talked into some kind of date.
    "You ask me out-"   He stops mid sentence as I glare at him.   "Okay.   Rephrasing .   You expect me to go with you, and you won't even tell me what happened last night?"
    "I followed your advice," I reply.   Jack grins, puffing out his chest a little.   I can see the outline of his pecks under his thin t-shirt.   "Don't look so smug.   I made a fool of myself."
    "You're exaggerating again."
    "No," I assure him.   "I'm not."   I wasn't planning on telling Jack I'd shown up to Rex's place in a bra and panties.
    "Let me guess.   You're not going to tell me what happened."
    "Correct," I agree.   The two of us walk into Earl's room.   The familiar routine was enough to make me chill out for awhile.   Then I'd have to brush up my seduction techniques.   Lots of brushing up.
    "DAD!"   The distress in Jack's voice makes me cringe.   I look at Earl's hospital bed to find him writhing uncontrollably.   Shock hits me like a block of ice in the face.   Every bone in my body feels like it might melt into my skin as Jack embraces his spasming father.
    I yell for the doctor, hitting an emergency button and praying that we'd walked in just in time.   Jack wasn't ready to say goodbye.   He'd just barely processed the news that his dad would soon be moving on.   He still needed time to accept it.
    The tears come immediately, unlike any I'd ever shed at work.   I wasn't ready to say goodbye.
    The supervising doctor pushes by me, checking Earl's vitals.   He unlocks the wheels on his hospital bed and quickly pulls him out of the room, asking Jack to stay behind.   I can see Jack fight the panic overtaking his body.   He's

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