The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire)

The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire) by A. Gardner

Book: The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire) by A. Gardner Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Gardner
back the paralysis.   "Kat?   Are you in there?"   Great.   Now his guests were going to think that I was having bathroom issues.   That'll make for a comfortable opening line.   "Are you okay?"
    "Yes," I manage to reply.   "I'm just . . . finishing up."   I hit my forehead.   What was that?  
    "Um okay?   Don't be too long."
    I can't tell if he's concerned or grossed out.
    "He's waiting," I whisper into the phone.   "I can't leave the bathroom without a game plan.   I need a game plan."
    "First of all, take a deep breath."   Probably Sadie's first useful suggestion.   I slowly inhale and let my lungs take a break from barely breathing.
    "Now what?"
    "That's all I got."
    "Wait," she changes her mind.   "Something else is coming to me."   I hear her take a few breaths herself.   "Flash him."
    "WHAT?"   I narrow my eyes, glad she isn't standing next to me.   Though that would have been Holly's advice.   Holly would waltz right in, remove her coat, and sip cocktails in her underwear.   "No way I'm doing that."
    "You were going to do that anyway, weren't you?"
    "No . . . I . . . no."
    "Leave then," she adds.   My surefire way to seal the deal had backfired again.   Crappy metaphor or not I did shatter a mirror of perfection.   I just hoped it wouldn't cost me seven years of bad luck with men.   I gulp.   Rex was going to be disappointed.   Unimpressed.
    I dig for the courage to be bold again.   If I left, Holly would win.
    "I'll talk to you tomorrow."   I hang up before Sadie can say another word.   Rex was waiting for me and guests or no guests, I couldn't leave until I'd finished what I'd started.
    I open the bathroom door to an empty foyer.   My chest pounds as the footsteps return.   Rex turns the corner and the mystery in his eyes give me the guts Holly said I never had.   What do you think of this Holly?   I quickly open my coat, letting Rex in on what I'd come here for.   The red, lacy bra and matching bottoms had been sitting in the back of my closet waiting to fulfill their purpose.   I suck in my stomach, showcasing everything I have.
    I'm pleased by the longing in Rex's eyes.   The moment seems to play in slow motion.   The space between us feels far too distant.   I want to feel his warmth surround me.
    Noise moves through the hall.   Rex opens his mouth too late.   My second of glory is scorched by the appearance of his associates.
    "And what about this room over . . ."   An older woman with a sleek black skirt and streak of gray in her hair stops mid sentence.   My head feels like it might explode.   A million eyes form a laser that's burning a hole through my organs.   Eff!
    "That's it for the tour everyone," Rex gulps.   I button up my coat as fast as I can.   A stupid idea.   This was a stupid idea.   I run for the elevator, horrified even more that I had to wait two whole minutes for the doors to open.   I rush into the elevator when it finally opens and press the "close doors" button a zillion times.   I try to hide my face without looking too childish.
    The streets of downtown never called to me more.   Anything but the lobby, apartment building . . . anything relating to Rex really.   My heels echo again as I jog through the front doors, desperate for fresh air.   The sun is setting and the sky looks purple.
    "Kat!   Wait!"   Rex's voice only made me want to curl up in a ball and hide.   I shudder to think what he must think of me now.   Kat - the responsible, conservative nurse.   More like the reckless, gold-digging, whore.   "Kat!"   A hand reaches for my shoulder and pulls me back.
    "Let me go," I respond, on the verge of tears.   I couldn't hide my feelings anymore.   "I Just humiliated myself in front of-"
    "Kat," he continues.   He firmly grabs both my shoulders.   "I can't let you run off like that."
    "I'm NOT going back up there."
    "I don't expect you too," he softly replies.   A tear runs down my cheek.   Rex gently kisses

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