The Hudson Diaries

The Hudson Diaries by Kara L. Barney

Book: The Hudson Diaries by Kara L. Barney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kara L. Barney
Tags: Fiction
away. Always supposing him to be a weak man, this surprised me and I stepped back.
    “Do not deny me so quickly,” William answered hurriedly.
    “Sir, I must ask you to leave.”
    “You are a captivating woman,” he said hungrily. He snatched my wrist and kissed my hand; though I tried to pull away, William held tight.
    “William, leave this house at once!” I could feel my face flush with anger.
    As we inched toward the kitchen table, I saw a stray knife there. Reaching my fingers toward it, the knife slipped and fell, clattering, to the floor. William saw my attempt and laughed aloud. He continued to speak in soft, dangerous tones. “I have loved you for a long time, Martha. Why you chose Rupert over me I will never know. But I killed a man and would gladly do it again for a wife like you.”
    “You’re mad!” I whispered angrily.
    “Perhaps. But if I am mad, it is mad for love. Your love, Martha.”
    He took my face in his hands so that I could not move. Though I wrestled with all my might, it was useless. His lips were leaning closer to mine…
    “Stop!” I heard a familiar voice shout. “You are under arrest for the murder of Rupert Hudson, and for the harassment of his widow.”
    As this was being said, William let go and bolted for the door. A dash of brown flew past and Mr. Holmes was grappling with him on the ground. Dr. Watson approached, and before long they had him subdued and in handcuffs.
    I stood there, stunned. “But, how did you know?” I asked.
    “It was quite simple, really,” Mr. Holmes replied, “Once you told us the story of his proposal, your illustrious Mr. Hughes had practically given himself away.”
    Overcome with emotion, I burst into tears. Mr. Holmes stood amazed, even somewhat embarrassed. “Are you well, Martha?”
    I nodded, unable to speak. Then, in a moment of rashness I ran to him and embraced him. “Thank you,” was all I could whisper.
    At first he was speechless, and then when I let go, he took me by the shoulders as of old and said, “Now, Mrs. Hudson, we must find you a new place of residence and employment. Where do you wish to begin?”
    “Mr. Holmes,” I said, slightly taken aback, “you have done me a service for which I can never repay you. I thought that if I stayed on with you, in some way I might be able to aid you in preventing other tragedies such as mine.”
    “I am not a rich man.”
    “Wealth means nothing to me. I would gladly serve you that you might serve the greater England.”
    Mr. Holmes thought for a moment, and then said, “You may do so, then, under one condition. Think of me not as a debtor, but as a friend.”
    I nodded, and under this agreement I was reinstated under Mr. Holmes, and have been so ever since.

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