The Magic Book series, book 1
Published by Elsa
Bridger, 2014
    Copyright illustrations
and cover image by Margaret Alford
    Edited by Coralie
    Copyright text by Elsa
Bridger, 2014
    Smashwords Edition,
Licence Notes
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    Discover other titles
by Elsa Bridger at
    The Magic Book
    Saving the Fairies of
    Mermaid Secrets - due out
    Mermaid Secrets and Lies - due out
    Dedication and
    I'd like to
dedicate this book to my wonderful (and talented) family and
friends who have supported and believed in me; it's been a truly
joint effort and it would never have happened without you all! So a
huge thank you must go to Sophie and Felicity, my beautiful
daughters and my source of inspiration, Margaret, my mother, for
all the wonderful illustrations and Peter, my father for letting me
steal your wife for hours at a time! Also thank you , Glenn, my
brother and IT 'go-to man', Barry, my husband, for letting me
indulge my love of writing and for financing it all, and I'm
equally indebted to our good friend, Coralie Medcalf, for patiently
editing what was a scramble of words, and for her invaluable advice
and encouragement.
    Also, thank
you, to the real Mrs Vincent, for allowing me to keep your name in
the story and for making Sophie and Felicity's first school years
ones we will treasure - you do a fantastic job, as do all the
    A special dedication goes to my Grandmother, a very special lady, who must have passed on her love of books and
writing, down to my mother and myself and for this life-enriching
gift I am eternally grateful. I endeavour, with these stories, to
help pass it forward, so others can find the 'magic' in the written
word too.
Table of Contents
    The Winds of Change
    A Surprise
    The Notebook
    A Plea for
    Journey into
    A Race Against
    No Turning
    Joining the
    About the
    Connect With
    Mermaid Secrets, book
The Winds of

    Heather caught
up with Bryony and linked arms with her. She too was making her way
to The Great Oak, central to Serenia (home to all the fairies) and
where all their important events and meetings took place.
    “Are you okay
Bryony, you look really low?” she asked, concerned for her
    I’m just
thinking about Nightshade. I really miss his company. He doesn’t
even acknowledge me anymore. We used to be so close, like brother
and sister.”
    “Well, I don’t
think it’s personal; he seems to treat everyone with contempt these
days. I don’t know what’s got in to him, but you're best to steer
clear. He’s been determined to stir up trouble, and I’m sure Queen
Tara has had quite enough!”
    Bryony nodded
and swiped her hand angrily at a stray piece of hair tickling her
face. She wasn’t really angry though; it was just her way of
controlling tears that threatened to overwhelm her.
    A gust of wind
suddenly blew up from nowhere, nearly flinging the girls against a
tree they were passing.
    “Wow! What’s up
with this freaky weather?” grumbled Heather. “I’m sure this started
the same time as Nightshade began playing up!”
    As abruptly as
the wind had swept in, it ceased. Heather and Bryony (who had been
flying hard to compensate) shot forward, forced to pull up sharp
narrowly missing a collision with two of their colleagues.
    “How about the
rain this morning, did you get caught out in it?” Bryony asked
Heather after regaining her

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