The Shifter and the Dreamer

The Shifter and the Dreamer by Crissy Smith

Book: The Shifter and the Dreamer by Crissy Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crissy Smith
Tags: Shifter
    Before Allysa could answer, Clint stepped up behind her.
    “Oh, it’s you,” the other man commented with a frown.
    Cameron ignored him. “Have you called her cell?” he asked Allysa .
    She shook her head. “We didn’t want to bother her. If she’s not at the office, why didn’t she come home?”
    Fuck! He should have talked to her before he left. He was sure she would call if anything related to the case came up. Allysa grabbed his arm and pulled him inside as he reached in his pocket for his cell phone.
    He followed the other two towards the kitchen while pressing the memory on his phone to where he’d saved Katy’s number. Her cell went straight to voicemail as he walked into the kitchen…
    And saw them.
    He snapped his phone closed and stared.
    “When did those flowers arrive?” he asked in a rage-filled voice and looked to Allysa .
    She rolled her eyes. “I don’t think now is really the time…” Allysa started to scold.
    Cameron gripped his phone so hard he was surprised it didn’t crumble.
    “ Allysa , please!”
    She shrugged. “Earlier today.”
    He glanced at Clint. Please God, let it be a coincidence. “Did you send them?” he asked the other man.
    Clint shook his head. “Thought you did, man.”
    Rage and fury raced through his blood stream. “Fuck.”
    He threw Clint his phone. “Find Ryan Waters on that, tell him about the roses, and get him here,” he told him as he turned and ran from the room to the door.
    He heard Allysa call out to him but he couldn’t take the time to stop. The killer had Katy. His Katy, and he was a few hours ahead of him.
    He ripped his shirt over his head before he reached the front door. His shoes and jeans came off in the drive. He shifted before he reached the road that would take him towards town.
    The wolf inside him howled his displeasure of losing his mate. Cameron fought to keep control of the animal’s mind. He couldn’t let the wolf take over completely. As savage as the beast felt right now, he had no idea what would happen if he lost control.
    He ran over the distance with quickness and determination, his wolf chanting the word mate to him.
    He smelt her blood still miles away. He picked up his speed and only moments later crouched next to her wrecked vehicle.

Chapter Ten
    Katy blinked awake slowly. Her entire body hurt.
    She tried to raise her hand to her throbbing head but found herself unable to move. She was lying on her stomach on a cold concrete floor. Her hands were tied behind her back and her ankles were bound.
    Fear flooded every sense and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. There was no doubt where she was. Well, no, she didn’t know where she was, but she knew with whom. She had been taken by the serial killer.
    Her body shook, she was so afraid. She took several deep breaths to try to calm herself . She needed to get control of the situation.
    She wasn’t as unprepared as the other women. She had years of experience first as an FBI agent and then as Sheriff. She knew the killer’s M.O. She would fight until she could get away or be rescued. She wasn’t going to leave her sister alone.
    Cameron would already be looking for her. She knew that with all her heart. He would not allow anything to happen to her. It seemed stupid now that she had ever thought she wanted to be away from him. She had wasted a year running scared from him.
    So she wouldn’t ever give him the children he had mentioned. She was different, but while she was not sure exactly how, she knew he was as well. She vowed if…no, not if… when she got out of here, she would make it up to him. She would give him all of her heart, tell him her secrets, and share the rest of her life with him.
    She was faced away from the door but she heard it open, followed by what she could only describe as the most evil laugh she’d ever heard.
    Cameron struggled to keep his wolf under control as he raced towards his mate. The scent was weak but

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