The Silken Cord
walked to
where their men anxiously awaited them. Neither Welsh nor Norman
had put away their weapons. They stared at Ariana and Wulfgar with
    “I’ve agreed to help Princess Ariana,”
Wulfgar announced in a loud voice. “We will join with the Welsh to
enter Cynan Castle and take her brother from Edwin of Carlinham,
who holds the boy hostage there.”
    The Normans looked surprised, their eyes
wide. Ariana heard a sharp intake of breath as dawning covered
their faces. They stared at her, exchanging questioning glances
amongst themselves.
    The Normans were not stupid. They knew
exactly who she was and what her presence meant to Wulfgar.
    “Ariana, Princess of Powys.” Gaston reached
to finger the bandage tied around his shoulder where Ariana had
stabbed him during their battle at sea.
    Was he the type of man to hold a grudge? She
made a mental note to stay away from him.
    Jenkin watched Ariana with guarded
skepticism, but he held his tongue. Raulf was not so careful. His
heavy gaze rested on her. “And what does she offer you in return?
You can’t trust the Welsh, Lord Wulfgar.”
    Ariana’s spine stiffened at the slur.
    “He’s no lord, but only a slave,” Cwrig
snarled. “He’s not good enough to lick the mud from Princess
Ariana’s shoes. I’ll kill the first man that dares say he is.”
    Cwrig clutched his sword in his hand, his
eyes savage as he faced the Normans. Ifor and Evan joined him.
Ariana realized their hatred ran deep. They would never unite,
unless they heard it from her lips.
    “Be at ease,” she cautioned them all. “We’ll
join forces to free Prince Dafydd and gain control of Cynan. Then,
I’ll honor my promise to Wulfgar and he will be freed.”
    She trembled with unease. What if something
went wrong and they didn’t succeed? She mustn’t think of that. She
must have faith and be positive of the outcome.
    Jenkin walked to Ariana and handed her the
dagger she thought she’d lost. With a joyous cry, she hugged
Jenkin. “I thought it was gone for good.”
    “You dropped it on the ship before you were
washed overboard.”
    “Thank you for returning it to me.” She
placed it in her girdle, the twin blades and jewels gleaming in the
afternoon sun.
    “Once we’re inside Cynan, the Norman will
have his freedom,” Jenkin told them all. “And we’ll do what we can
to drive Edwin of Carlinham from our lands.”
    “And what if King William hears you’ve
returned to Cynan?” Arnulf asked. “He’ll come for you, my
    “Aye,” Wulfgar responded grimly.
    Raulf lifted his double-headed battle-ax.
“Then we’ll fight by your side and we will die.”
    Wulfgar looked at Raulf, his eyes glittering
with emotion. His brows lowered in a troubled frown. Lifting one
hand, he clasped Raulf’s shoulder with fondness. Though his voice
sounded soft and beseeching, it also bore a stern edge. Ariana
could not deny Wulfgar’s conviction. “I would kill Carlinham if I
could, but I’m no traitor to our king, Raulf. Your allegiance will
first be to King William, second to me. If ever you must choose
between us, you will die for William before you die for me. If he
comes to take Cynan, we will open the gates and yield to him. Never
forget your oath to our king. Never.”
    All was quiet as the other men stared at
Wulfgar. Did he mean what he said or was it just an act? He spoke
with such conviction. He insisted he was innocent of treason, but
Ariana had her doubts.
    Finally, Raulf nodded. “I would never yield
Cynan to any man but you, but it will be as you say.”
    Wulfgar smiled before he gently buffeted
Raulf’s chin with his fist and walked away. Raulf stared after him,
silent and thoughtful. The other men didn’t speak and Ariana
hardened her heart. Without another word, she gathered her cloak
about her and headed for the ship.
    The Normans followed, their faces glowing
with delight.
    “We have only to complete our mission and
Lord Wulfgar will be freed,” crowed

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