The Tin Star

The Tin Star by J. L. Langley Page A

Book: The Tin Star by J. L. Langley Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. L. Langley
break! You don’t really think we believe you’re all delicate and such, do you?” He looked at Jamie, fighting to keep a straight face. “I’ll show you good with my hands. I’ll wring your scrawny little neck.” He stomped in Jamie’s direction.
    Jamie took off out the door, laughing. “Bye, Margie!”
    Ethan smiled after him. Just being around Jamie lightened his mood. He couldn’t remember having so much fun in a long time. He really had to hand it to the man. Even with all the crap he’d been through in the last few days, Jamie still knew how to relax and enjoy himself. It said a lot for Jamie’s strength of character.
    Aunt Margaret handed him the plate of cookies. “What are you grinning about?”
    He turned. “Just thinking it’s good to see him still so happy despite everything that’s happened. Tom snubbed him today at the feed store.”
    “Well, I always did think Tom is too big for his britches. Jamie’s grown into a fine young man. He’ll be all right. He’s always been a happy child, so nothing will keep him down for long.”
    Ethan nodded. “Yeah, I admire that about him.”
    “Me, too, darling, me, too. You best get going or the rascal is liable to take off without you.”
    “Nah, he isn’t going anywhere. I have the keys.” He kissed her cheek. “Thanks for the cookies and for letting me know about his mama. I sure don’t look forward to telling him, but I reckon it’d be best he hears it from me instead of Jacob.”
    She kissed him and patted his back as they walked to the front door. “You’ll do what’s right, baby. You always do.”
    Yeah, he did, damn it.
    * * * * *
    “Oh, hell. I almost forgot. Look in the center console. John left an envelope with his new foreman so I could give it to you this morning when I went to pick up George.”
    Jamie lifted the lid off the console. “He hired a new foreman already?”
    “Yeah, man’s name is McCabe. He’s from somewhere in West Texas. Seems like a decent guy.”
    “Hmm. So, where was John? How come he didn’t give it to you himself?” He tore open the envelope.
    “He had to go into San Antone this morning. What’s inside?”
    Jamie held up a small key.
    Is that a blush? Ethan raised an eyebrow. “What’s that for?”
    “Oh, nothing, just the key to my box.”
    Aha! The mysterious black box. “So, what do you keep in the box, anyway?” This time he was sure Jamie blushed. Interesting.
    Jamie cleared his throat and pushed his hat down further over his forehead, shielding his eyes. “Toys.”
    “Toys? What? Like checkers or something?”
    “Uh ... no. Umm ...”
    “OH! Those kind of toys!” Ethan threw back his head and laughed. “Well, I’ll be damned!”
    “Shut up, Ethan!”

Chapter Seven
    Jamie two-stepped himself to the pantry to get the potatoes, then back to the sink. This was fun! He’d have to cook with music more often. George Strait was on the radio, Fred was lying on the floor watching him, and Ethan would be back inside in a few minutes after talking to Bill and unloading the supplies they’d bought.
    They’d made it back to the Tin Star ahead of the storm, and Jamie had gone straight to cooking. Ethan had gone out to help the hands move supplies into the barn before it rained.
    He was singing and peeling potatoes when two strong arms wrapped around his waist and a chin landed on his shoulder. “You have a nice voice.”
    “Yeah?” Jamie didn’t stop peeling.
    He felt Ethan grin against his cheek, then kiss it. “Yeah. What do you want me to do?”
    Man, he smells great. Jamie took a deep breath, inhaling his scent more deeply. “You can help me peel these if you want. I need to get them on so we can have mashed potatoes. Just have to get these and the rolls, and everything else is done.” He pushed his hips back and wiggled his butt a little.
    Ethan chuckled and pulled away, swatting his ass. “Cut that out. Supper first.” Ethan kissed his cheek again, then moved away to get a

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