The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) by Stephanie Hudson

Book: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) by Stephanie Hudson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Hudson
taking things slow . ” Anothe r lie. I was just glad I wasn't having to lie in person....not yet anyway.
    “To hell with slow! You will tell me though...right, I mean when you do the dirty deed?” She sounded almost poss essed.
    “No , probably not, but I will tell you this, kissing him is like nothing I have ever felt before. ” I had to give her something.
    “Then sex will be even better! I read an article about guys that are good kissers are almost always good in the sack! ” Amen to that! I could definitely agree with that assessment.
    “Poor Jack, he was really smitten . ” This had me cringing with guilt.
    “I really wanna talk to him, he has a right to hear it from me first, so hint hint...don't go telling him!”
    “Not a soul, not until you give the word . ” This was the most serious I had ever heard her so I believed that she would keep her word. I smiled at the idea. T his will be the hardest thing for RJ, so it made me respect her even more for it. RJ lives for gossip and when faced with the town ’ s biggest scoop , she usually would have thought that it was her responsibility to tell the world. So I understood how hard this was for her. If there was ever a need for a gothic news anchor then t hey would have found gold in RJ.
    “So , is he still your boss?” The questions went on like this for forty minutes. E verything from what he smells like to what he eats for breakfast. The breakfast answer I had to make up because I just didn't kn ow. All I had seen Draven eat was an apple. So of course I said fruit.
    “It figures, with a bo d like that I would have guessed he was a health freak.”
    By the time she got off the phone it was dark outside and my stomach was growling at me after talking about food. I was going to order pizza but then remembered Ragnar out there and didn't think it fair to scare some poor pizza delivery guy half to death. That would most certainly get the town's folk tongues a wagging. I opened the fridge but that didn't inspire much so I grabbed a frozen pizza from the freezer and turned the oven on high. I got the cheese out of the fridge and grated some more for extra topping. It was really tight in the cheese department! I put it on a tray and closed the door before ringing Jack's number.
    “Keira! Are you alright? I have been leaving you messages ! ” He sounded upset that I hadn't called. Oh dear.
    “Hi , yeah I'm sorry I can explain , but I really don't want to do it over the phone”
    “I will be right there . ”
    “NO! ... I mean ... no that won't be a good idea, what if we met up ? ” I said stumbling out the words before thinking about my very possessive boyfriend that very near ly hated Jack.
    “When and where and I will be there ? ” Ok this wasn't making it any easier with him being so noble and nice!
    “How about that din er, the one with the crummy food that looked like road kill ? ” He laughed and I relaxed at the sound.
    “Why , you got a death wish?” I shuddered at how well that statement mirrored the last few days.
    “I will eat before I get there, can't die from warm coke can you?” We both giggled like kids , chatted a bit more and arranged for tomorrow afternoon as he had some free periods. Of course his lectures hadn't been affected by the fire, so he was still going to class. That reminded me that I needed to find out when my lessons were starting up again.
    “Ok , I will see you tomorrow then . ”
    “Yeah I look forward to it Kazzy , ” Jack said before hanging up. I smiled at the thought that now no one could be angry at me but the voice behind me told me that evidently I could be oh so wrong.
    “And just who will you being seeing tomorrow? Because I am pretty confident yo u weren't on the phone to me and that didn't sound like a female that is so looking forward to meeting you!” Draven's deep voice filled the kitchen and it wasn't a happy voice at that. I turned to look, brac ing myself for his cold stare and yep , there it

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