The Wedding Deal

The Wedding Deal by Marie Kelly

Book: The Wedding Deal by Marie Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Kelly
Tessa saw around her.
    Speaking with a soft accent which still contained a hint of her French origins, Tessa had felt somehow wanting beside the woman. Clara however, had smiled back at her with a friendly look.
    “I hear congratulations are in order” she had said softly, moving over to admire Tessa’s ring, a small sound of appreciation coming from her as she had smiled her approval at the gorgeous piece of jewellery.
    “I am so happy for you both” she had continued looking over at Alexis and winking softly.
    “About time this one was married” she had added with a laugh, before moving back over to her chair, Tessa noticing a strange look passing between the two.
    The meal had been delicious and after eating, Tessa had once more moved around the assembled celebrities on Alexis’s arm. This time more relaxed, happily accepting the many wishes for their engagement expressed by those they talked to, as the news had seemed to travel quickly around the crowd. She had chatted with many, soon finding herself at ease with the famous faces she had met, realising as he had put it…….they were just people, and finding that she had enjoyed the evening very much.
    Alexis in turn had watched as she had smiled and been so quickly accepted by the many guests, once more happy at his choice of wife. Tessa was attentive as she listened to the new faces she had met, and she had quickly relaxed and been accepted into the company, able to mix so well with the assembled dignitaries just as he had known she would. Yes Tessa Jones was the perfect wife for him, and she would be the perfect mother too he had known, as he had smiled contentedly.
    That night as they had returned home, it had been late and she had allowed Alexis to walk her to her room. Stopping at the door she had smiled up at him.
    “I had a good time” she had grinned seeing as his mouth had quirked.
    “Yes……as first dates go…it was pretty good” he had replied with a small laugh, seeing as she had chuckled back at him nodding.
    “Well…….goodnight then” she had whispered softly, as he had stepped forward, his hands moving to hold her naked shoulders before dropping a small kiss on her cheek. As his lips had touched, Tessa had felt the instant jolt of desire flooding through her, feeling as he had pulled back slightly his eyes scanning hers, his just as bright. With a soft groan he had moved closer, his mouth finding hers her lips parting welcoming his kiss. She could feel as her hands had snaked around his neck, feeling as he had pulled her even harder against him, his kiss demanding and passionate as his arms wrapped around her small waist. She had felt her head spinning with the sensations flooding her body, before whimpering feeling him pull back slightly, his forehead resting against hers. Whispering Greek words full of frustration, the sound had made her want him more as she had tried to kiss him again, shocking herself with her own actions. Shakily Alexis had stepped back, his eyes looking so longingly at her, as she had fallen against the wall, her legs feeling so weak, her eyes still full of the fire they shared, her lips red with his kisses as his eyes had looked back at her full of anguish and longing.
    “This is going to be a VERY long two weeks” he had moaned softly, as she had felt her racing heart begin to slow down once more, blushing at how she had fallen against him so hungrily.
    “I…I’m sorry” she had felt herself mutter, as he had shaken his head.
    “No Cara…….we both want this ………oh my god how we want this” he had finished, so badly wanting to return to her arms and move into the bedroom with her. However, pulling himself up with all the determination he possessed, he had taken another step back.
    “Tomorrow I will not be back till the afternoon. We can talk about the wedding plans then” he had said before watching as she had wordlessly nodded and moved into her room, her mind and body still feeling the effects

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