Today & Tomorrow

Today & Tomorrow by Susan Fanetti Page B

Book: Today & Tomorrow by Susan Fanetti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Fanetti
took over, pushing in an inch or two. She gasped, and he stopped.
    “It feels…full. But it doesn’t hurt. It’s good.”
    He pushed a little farther, and she moaned, and her hand left his cock and hooked on his arm.
    “Look at me.”
    She did, her eyes wide.
    “Stay with me, okay?” When she nodded, he pushed again. Fucking hell, she was so tight it was almost uncomfortable. Almost. He began to rock, pulling out a little, then back in, each time a little deeper, going slow and steady, letting her trust his rhythm.
    She kept her eyes open and locked on his, her brow furrowing every now and then as he went deeper, and deeper, and sweet hell, it was good. After what seemed like a millennium, he was fully sheathed in her, and her pussy twitched around him. She made a face like she was uncomfortable and squirmed under him.
    “It pinches…or something. I’m not sure.” Her voice showed some strain.
    “You want me out?” God, he hoped not. He was fairly choking on his need.
    “No. I just…”
    He reached down and grabbed her thigh, pulling it up to his hip. They both gasped at the change in the way he was seated inside her. “Better?”
    She nodded, and he began to thrust, moving slowly, so slowly he felt every millimeter of her sliding against him. He dug down deep into his will and settled in. He was going to hold out for as long as she needed him to.
    After a couple of minutes, her body relaxed, and she began to move with him. A minute or so more, and she started to forget to keep her eyes on his. They fluttered closed, and her mouth dropped open. She moaned and then remembered to open her eyes. He smiled and sped up.
    Shifting his weight to one arm, he put his free hand on one of her tits and pulled gently on her nipple. She gasped and bucked—and then she turned a look on him that was pure surprise.
    “Oh! Oh!” she cried. He could feel the change in her body. Discomfort was gone, and now she was wide open for an orgasm. His passage in and out of her was made easier as her juices flowed.
    She rode the crest for a long time, just on the edge of coming. Nolan’s resolve to hold off his own finish began to fray. She felt so goddamn good. He plucked at her tit. He bent down and kissed her, matching the movement of his tongue to the rhythm of his body, and she moaned and writhed, but she didn’t come.
    As desperation began to creep into his limbs, he had an idea, and he pulled gently out. She gasped and blinked in surprise. “What?”
    “Roll over, Ani.” His voice sounded hoarse and strained.
    Again she asked, “What?”
    “Roll over. Onto your belly.” He put his hand around her hip and pulled, leading her in what he wanted. She frowned. “It’s okay. Trust me.”
    She rolled, lying prone, her arms bent at her sides so that her palms were flat on the bed, on either side of her head. With his hands under her arms, he moved her farther onto the bed, then straddled her legs, sliding a hand under her to lift her hips up. He guided himself back into her and then laid her flat again on the mattress. Fuck. He was going to have to come soon, or his cock would explode.
    “Oh—wow. Nolan, wow,” she gasped.
    “I know. It’s good this way, huh?”
    She nodded.
    Propped on his hands, he rocked. In this position, he touched inside her in a different way, and she began to overtop her crest nearly instantly. Her head was turned sideways on the bed, and she started to hum in an undulating rhythm, her tone growing louder and more emphatic every time he pushed deep. Her hum became an open oh , and he sped up.
    Without changing their rhythm, he bent down and kissed her new tattoo, his hand sliding under hers as his head came down. She wove her fingers with his, and he closed his fist, capturing her hand. Something about that simple, innocent touch excited him to his core.

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