Tokyo Tease
Tokyo Tease
    I’d been living in an apartment with an oversexed pilot in Shakujii-kōen for close to a year. Dildos littering the bathroom vanity and lubricant on the kitchen counter weren’t new, but waking up to two hot, buff, naked men in my living room came as a bit of a surprise. From the articles of clothing strewn about the room, I deduced they were U.S.Marines.
    My roommate, Jenn, had come in around two a.m., but she’d kept it quiet, so I had no idea she still had guests.
    “ Ohayou gozaimasu —good morning,” I muttered as I darted past them to the kitchen. My face flamed so hot, I could’ve cooked breakfast on it. Even with my fast retreat from the living room, I noticed the men sprawled on the tatami-mat floor—defined muscles, flat abs, and strong thighs.
    Coffee. I needed coffee. Not green tea or Oolong cha. A strong, dark Columbian blend—kind of like one of those guys in the living room. I splashed some cold water on my face and ground the beans. While the pot brewed, I toasted an English muffin.
    A deep, bass voice startled me. “Hey, baby. The coffee smells great.”
    Both men stepped into the kitchen. Naked. But that didn’t surprise me. Jenn’s friends could never be accused of modesty.
    “I’m Sanchez,” the tall, bronze-skinned, chiseled stud introduced himself.
    “I’m Ramon,” the even taller, ebony-skinned, sculpted stallion said. “You must be the roommate. Jenn said you were a looker.”
    That was doubtful. A five foot two inches, ninety-three pound blonde, Jenn had a tight ass and the best breasts money could buy. A real stunner. Everyone’s beauty paled in comparison.
    “I’m Natalie. Nice to meet you both.” I grabbed a couple of mugs from the shelf and poured coffee for them. “Cream? Sugar?” Playing hostess to nude Marines strayed from my norm, but manners were manners.
    “Baby, only sugar I need is you.” Ramon stepped toward me.
    A look of fear or shock or something akin to panic must have flashed across my face because Sanchez grabbed Ramon’s arm. “Dude, give the girl a chance to enjoy her coffee before you pounce,” he said in a silky smooth voice.
    With a weak smile, I stepped back but hit the counter. Casually, I propped against it, like I meant to be plastered to its side. I really wanted to munch down on my English muffin but couldn’t bring myself to pick it up.
    Chunky girls should never eat in front of men. My mother’s voice haunted me.
    “Would y’all like something to eat? I could make eggs or something.” I asked nonchalantly as if cooking for strange naked men was something I always did.
    Funny how the day before I’d been turned down for a hostess job, and here I was doing just that. Although serving coffee wasn’t the kind of hostessing the fat guy at the Yakuza-run bar had in mind. Sure, I needed another job. Needed to earn enough money to get my own apartment. To move away from Jenn’s nightly orgies. In an act of desperation, I had applied for a hostess job. I shook my head to wipe away the memories of the embarrassing interview.
    Ramon smiled. “Baby, are we making you nervous?”
    With one hand, Sanchez lifted his coffee cup to his perfectly bowed mouth and ran his fingers along his abs with the other. I couldn’t decide which miracle of nature to focus on.
    Ramon saw my reaction and chuckled. “You want some action, don’t you, sweetheart?”
    I cleared my throat. My ability to speak surprised me. Without croaking or stammering I said, “I’m admiring the view. That doesn’t mean I want to fuck it.” I set my empty cup on the counter. “Why are you two in the living room by yourselves anyway? Where’s Jenn?”
    My answer came few seconds later when Jenn walked into the kitchen with a scrawny, white guy. She ran her hands across Ramon’s and Sanchez’s stomachs as she sashayed to the coffee pot. “Morning, Natalie.” She kissed my cheek.
    “Morning, Jenn.”
    “This is Brent,” she introduced the guy. “I see

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