Troubled Waters

Troubled Waters by Rachelle McCalla

Book: Troubled Waters by Rachelle McCalla Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachelle McCalla
heart beat so loudly she could hardly hear Heath. She’d searched so long and hard for clues to her father’s death, but she’d given up on ever learning what really happened to him. The submarine he’d died in had disappeared as though it had never existed, along with the four men he’d saved. And now, after fourteen years, she’d dragged a clue up from the watery depths.
    She looked at Heath. His gaze didn’t leave hers.
    “Don’t forget to watch where we’re going,” she reminded him finally.
    He glanced up through the windshield, then back at her. “You don’t think—” he began.
    Tracie fought back the strange creeping sensation that had been climbing up her spine. “No.” She shook her head, and spoke with as much certainty as she could muster. “No, that was fourteen years ago. I’m sure it was damaged when it ran aground, or surely it’s been wrecked since. And anyway, the odds alone are ridiculous.”
    Then she took several deep breaths and tried to convince herself that the submarine her father had died on wasn’t being used to smuggle diamonds in Lake Superior.

    H eath felt nervous as he drove up the road to Tracie’s house with a box of fried chicken and biscuits on the seat beside him. Though he’d called ahead and she was expecting him, and she’d even sounded pleased to hear his supper plans, Heath still wasn’t sure how wise it was to spend so much time alone with her.
    The connection between them was strong enough already, especially after the emotional conversation they’d shared on the boat ride home. It wouldn’t be easy for him to get over her when all of this was over and they went their separate ways, and if he felt that way, knowing going into it that it wouldn’t last, he couldn’t imagine how much the truth would hurt her. If it had been up to him, he’d back off.
    But it wasn’t up to him. Jonas wanted him on Tracie like a fly on butter, or so he’d insisted when Heath had called him earlier. Though Heath wanted to believe Tracie had nothing to do with the diamond smugglers, he still couldn’t prove it, and anyone who wanted to question his objectivity would have plenty of reason to do so if they knew how much he’d begun to care for her. He hoped to learn enough tonight to prove she hadn’t been involved with Trevor and the diamond smugglers. But he knew therewas still a possibility what he learned could indicate the opposite, especially given the arguable likelihood she still harbored some level of resentment toward the Coast Guard for her father’s death.
    Heath parked his truck and grabbed the food and his awkwardly wrapped parcel. If nothing else, he needed to see Tracie tonight so he could give her the gift he’d bought for her.
    “Come on in,” she greeted him with a smile, holding Gunnar back by the collar as the large dog attempted to welcome Heath affectionately.
    “Where can I put the chicken so he doesn’t get to it?”
    “I’ve got the oven set on warm. We can throw it in there. I found some information online that I want to show you.” She released the dog as they headed toward the kitchen.
    Heath obediently set the oven-safe box inside the warm oven, then turned to her with the present behind his back. “I brought you something. Or did you want to show me what you found online first?”
    “It can wait. You’ve got my curiosity up.” She looked up at him expectantly. Her hair was still wet and slicked back into a loose braid that hung halfway down her back. Her face looked fresh and free of makeup, though her pink lips shimmered with something that made them look irresistible.
    “Close your eyes.” Heath said softly, taking just a moment to relish the expectant, innocent expression on her face before he placed his gift in her outstretched hands.
    Snapping her eyes open and peeling back his impromptu wrapping job, Tracie gave a happy shout.
    “I take it you know what it is?”
    The gratitude shining in her eyes told him she both

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