Un.Requited (Claimed Series)

Un.Requited (Claimed Series) by Reese Morgan

Book: Un.Requited (Claimed Series) by Reese Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reese Morgan
majority of her uncertainties. Hayden felt confident enough to exit the cab and stand next to Cole, silently marveling the scenery. Outside the car, the trees seemed so much taller. Their mighty presence easily dwarfed her, but offered a sense of security.
    Once the cab sped off, Hayden clearly smelt the territory line around Cole’s property. It smelt just like the Alpha, a distinctive frost and earth. If she wasn’t a member of his pack, the territory line might have unnerved her enough to stay away and respect his terrain.
    Cole must have picked up her observation. “When I’m not here, I expect you to stay within the territory.” Pausing, he looked down at her. “More importantly,” he began, his dark eyes flashing. “You will need my permission to exit the property.”
    It was that domineering and dictatorial tone again and it rubbed her the wrong way. Hayden took back possession of her wrist and frowned. Something told her that Cole wouldn’t be lenient on her leaving the property. Chances were, until she gained better control over her wolf, he would confine her inside property.
    Before she could press the matter further, four figures staggered from the house. Hayden stood her ground assertively, willing herself not to hide further behind Cole. She watched the forthcoming werewolves closely, scrutinizing them and taking mental notes. 
    The two tallest men looked similar and Hayden knew they were the twins, Fergus and Nathan. Both males had buzzed, blond hair and unique turquoise eyes. However, only one of the twins looked approachable. The one in question offered a slight smile when he caught sight of her. In sharp contrast, the other twin narrowed his eyes, his lips curling in disproval. 
    Directly behind the twins were two women, both around the same age as the other. From what Blake explained, Addie was Cole’s grandmother, but Hayden couldn’t identify her. Both females looked to be in their middle twenties and both of them surveyed Hayden with indecision. One of the women even went so far as to look appalled at Hayden’s presence.
    Cole promptly wrapped a protective arm around Hayden’s waist, acting as a buffer. She flinched at the contact, subtly trying to move away, still uneasy around him. However, the Alpha easily disregarded her withdrawal attempts and kept her close to his chest.
    Deciding not to make a scene, Hayden chose to stay motionless in his hold and keep steady eye contact with the four figures in front of her. It was best if they saw she wouldn’t be kicked into submission so easily, even if she was the newcomer.
    “We were expecting you and Blake to return home, Cole, but not another…” one of the females trailed off tentatively.
    “You know the reason we went to New York,” Cole started with a crisp and imposing tone. “I decided to invite Hayden into 0ur pack. I’d like you all to be welcoming .” His hand cupped her lower back and nudged her toward them. “Hayden, I’d like you to meet Nathanial.”
    He motioned toward one of the twins. The blond-haired werewolf was sturdier than his brother was, yet both of them were easily the tallest figures in the group. Nathan gave Hayden a sharp nod, nothing more, nothing less. His eyes studied her coldly and untrustingly, making certain she was aware of his aversion to her sudden presence. 
    “And this is Fergus.”
    The lankier twin winked at Hayden. His upper lip lifted in a crooked grin, revealing yellow teeth. She offered a thin smile in return. 
    The woman with periwinkle blue eyes nodded her greeting. She had a classic look to her, a sort of old-fashioned beauty. Hayden could see a slight resemblance between her and Cole, but the main similarity ended with the black hair.
    Briefly, Hayden wondered what it was like for Cole and Addie. Seeing his grandmother in the body of a young woman for eternity must be strange for him. Then again, he’d known Addie as a young woman since childhood. Things that were

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