Un.Requited (Claimed Series)

Un.Requited (Claimed Series) by Reese Morgan Page A

Book: Un.Requited (Claimed Series) by Reese Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reese Morgan
strange for Hayden were normal for someone like Cole. Eternal youth was something Hayden would have to come to accept.
    “Hello, Hayden.” Addie was proper and kind as she extended a frail hand in greeting. 
    Hayden shook the offered hand, pleased there was at least one member who wasn’t completely guarded around her. While Addie was noticeably puzzled at Hayden’s sudden arrival, she wasn’t hostile about her suspicions like the others. 
    “And lastly, we have Devan, the female Alpha.” Cole’s tone hardened noticeably.
    The woman was shorter than Hayden was, yet she acted as if she were taller. Devan’s hazel stare was hostile and her defensive stance exuded an air of unfriendliness. Seeing the raw inhospitality spurred Hayden to act on the defensive.
    The creature inside of Hayden reared up and she found herself challenging the woman’s poor attitude. Only, Cole’s hand tightened on the small of her back, snapping her back to reality. It probably wasn’t the best idea to challenge the pack ranks the first five minutes of her arrival.
    “Why didn’t you consult the rest of us with your decision to take in another pack member?” Devan asked coldly. She tore her gaze away from Hayden and looked expectantly at Blake. Interestingly enough, she wouldn’t meet Cole’s gaze.
    Perhaps she wasn’t as dominant as she liked to think.
    “Cole doesn’t need to consult you or anyone else about his decisions for the pack. In the end, his word is final.” Blake stepped closer to Hayden, his mouth hard. “Hayden will be a part of this pack, Devan. I know it must be difficult conceiving the thought of competing with her. Don’t be so jealous.”
    Devan’s eyes flashed dangerously and she gave a low growl. Hayden frowned, already knowing they weren’t going to hit it off. Still, she wondered why Devan’s word wasn’t worth anything in this situation. As the female Alpha, wasn’t she on equal footing as Cole?
    “Well, I think it’s a wonderful idea to take in a new pack member,” Addie admitted warmly. She smiled affectionately at her grandson and Hayden. “Cole hasn’t invited a new member into the pack since becoming Alpha. It’s good for him to start growing his pack.”
    “That’s not really the point, though,” the serious twin, Nathan, spoke up. “The reason we are against her initiation into the pack is because of her Sire,” he informed crisply. “We know Tracer is dangerous and we don’t want him near our territory causing trouble. More importantly, we don’t want him controlling her. Who knows what she could do to use when we’re sleeping.”
    Hayden lifted her chin when they continued to talk about her as if she wasn’t there. She hadn’t known they were aware that Tracer was her Sire, but figured Cole must have told them about it before he left for New York. If they were this passionate against her because of Tracer, she could only imagine what their reaction would be when they found out about Nicolas’ claim.
    The hand on Hayden’s back curled and tightened as Cole shifted. His expression was hard as he planted his feet challengingly in front of Nathan. 
    “There should be no reason why you are against Hayden’s presence, Nathanial, simply because you don’t have any say in the matter,” the Alpha informed lowly. He pulled Hayden closer. “She is your new pack member, treat her as such.”
    The pack backed off after the order, looking down or far away from Cole. Shaken, Hayden didn’t blame them for succumbing. The Alpha’s tone clearly stated the subject closed, and if they had any problems with it, they were to deal with it themselves.
    Addie was the first one who lifted her gaze. She took special interest in Cole’s arm around Hayden. The woman’s mouth twitched and Hayden shifted uncomfortably. Cole was only protecting her and making her feel welcome, and yet, Addie seemed generally surprised at his contact.
    She cleared her throat. “I have some delicious lamb chops

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