
Untamed by P.C. Cast

Book: Untamed by P.C. Cast Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.C. Cast
really wasn't any description at all.
    "Nyx!" I said.
    The Goddess smiled at me, and I thought my heart would pound out of my chest with happiness. "Greetings, my u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya " she said, using the Cherokee word for "daughter," just like my grandma often did. "You were right to call me. You should follow your true instinct more often, Zoey. It will never lead you wrong."
    Then she turned to Aphrodite, who, with a sob, dropped to her knees before the Goddess.
    "Do not weep, my precious child." Nyx's ethereal hand reached out, and like a beautiful dream given substance, she caressed Aphrodite's cheek.
    "Forgive me, Nyx!" she cried. "I've done so many stupid things, and made so many mistakes. I'm sorry for all of it. I really am. I don't blame you for taking away my Mark and my earth affinity. I know I don't deserve either of them."
    "Daughter, you misunderstand me. I didn't remove your Mark. It was the strength of your humanity that burned it away, just as it was the strength of your humanity that saved Stevie Rae. Whether you like it or not, you will always be more sublimely human than anything else, which is part of why I love you so deeply. But do not think that you are only a human now, my child. You are more than that, but exactly what that means, you must discover—and choose—for yourself." The Goddess took Aphrodite's hand and lifted her to her feet. "I want you to understand that the earth affinity was never yours, daughter. You simply held it in safekeeping for Stevie Rae. You see, the earth could not truly live within her until her humanity had been restored. You were who I trusted to keep that precious gift safe, as well as the vessel through which Stevie Rae's humanity was returned to her."
    "So you're not punishing me?" Aphrodite said.
    "No, daughter. You punish yourself enough without any addition from me," Nyx said gently.
    "And you don't hate me?" Aphrodite whispered.
    Nyx's smile was radiant and sad. "As I have already said, I love you, Aphrodite. I always will."
    This time I knew the tears that washed down Aphrodite's face were tears of joy.
    "You both have a long road before you. Much of it you will travel together. Depend upon one another. Listen to your instincts. Trust the still, small voice within each of you."
    The Goddess turned to me. " U-we-tsi-a-ge-ya , there is great danger ahead."
    "I know. You can't want this war."
    "I don't, daughter. Though that is not the danger of which I speak."
    "But if you don't want the war, why don't you just stop it? Neferet has to listen to you! She has to do what you command!" I said, not sure why I was suddenly feeling so frantic, especially when the Goddess was gazing at me serenely.
    Instead of answering me, Nyx asked a question of her own. "Do you know what it is that is the greatest gift I have ever given my children?"
    I thought hard, but my mind seemed to be a jumble of crossword puzzle thoughts and fragments of the truth.
    Aphrodite's voice sounded strong and clear: "Free will."
    Nyx smiled. "Exactly correct, daughter. And once I give a gift, I never take it away. The gift becomes the person, and were I to step in and command obedience, especially in the form of extracting affinities, I would destroy the person."
    "But maybe Neferet would listen to you if you spoke to her like you're speaking to us now. She's your High Priestess," I said. "She's supposed to listen to you."
    "It grieves me, but Neferet has chosen to no longer hear me. This is the danger of which I wish to warn you. Neferet has her mind tuned to another voice, one that has been whispering to her for a very long time. I hoped her love for me would drown out the other, but it has not. Zoey, Aphrodite is clever about many things. When she said that power changes, she was right. Power always changes the bearer of it and those who are closest to her, though people who believe it always corrupts think too simplistically."
    As she'd been talking, I noticed waves of brightness had begun to shiver

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