Water Witch

Water Witch by Amelia Bishop

Book: Water Witch by Amelia Bishop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amelia Bishop
have been so wrong for all those years? Thinking I didn’t need anyone, thinking I could ignore my skills and my heritage?
    Jasper, who I hadn’t seen since last Yule, jogged up to me and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked. “Hey, man, didn’t get a chance to say ‘Hi’ earlier. How are ya?”
    I nodded and smiled at him.
    He noticed my glistening eyes. “What’s wrong?”
    I shook my head. “Nothing. I just missed this, didn’t realize how much.”
    He nodded and squeezed my shoulder, keeping his gaze straight ahead and his arm firmly around me as we walked back into the Covenstead.
    It took some time for everyone to load their plates and pour their wine and return to find seats around the big room. Liliana called our informal coven meeting to order. “As I am sure you have all noticed, our brother Vincenzo has returned to us.” She smiled at me and there was a soft murmuring of positive sentiments from the crowd. “We have no coven business to discuss tonight, but Vincenzo has need of our assistance. Let us listen well, and offer him the strength of our combined wisdom.”
    I smiled my thanks, but wished Liliana didn’t always have to be so formal. I was already emotional from the service, and now in front of all these kind eyes I felt tears threaten again. “Hi guys. Uh, I’m really glad to be back.” I swallowed down the emotion Liliana’s welcome had brought up and continued, “I had a vision, and I’m pretty sure I know what it means, but I could use any insight anyone might have about it.” I told them what I’d seen while journeying, and they listened as they ate.
    “What do you think it means?” Noni asked from the old leather couch in the corner.
    “A major life change. Something big and…disastrous.” I answered.
    A lot of nodding, and a few “Yes, that sounds right,” type comments, and then Maxwell asked, “What kind of disaster?”
    This opened up a lively discussion about all the possible tragedies that might befall me: my mother dying, a massage client suing me, a near-fatal car accident. The kinds of things you never really think will happen to you. But now with this vision, I was certain one of them would.
    Liliana saved me. “Whatever it is, we will be here.”
    She turned her attention to the group, most of whom were still discussing my possible downfall. “Any other interpretations that may be of value?”
    Jasper offered some positivity. “Well, at least you know you’ll be all right, I mean, the tree survived, so…”
    “Yeah, you’re right, thanks.”
    The meeting broke up after that, people talked in smaller groups and several members disappeared to go out back and light the bonfire. Maxwell bumped my elbow. “You didn’t mention the Fae.”
    “I know. I can handle him on my own for now.”
    His eyebrows shot up and he pressed his lips together to keep from laughing. “Can you? Or are you afraid to tell everyone about your secret boyfriend?”
    “Fuck you.” I pushed him away playfully. “I’m only afraid to tell my mom.”
    He couldn’t control his laugh that time, and several people turned to us, smiling. “Come on, let’s go help with the fire.”
    Most of the witches had gone home. Jasper, Maxwell, and I sat by the fire, still talking. Nolan, a guy a few years older than me, stared at me from across the fire. I had hooked up with him a few times in college, nothing serious, but he was fun. I’d turned him down last summer when I was still with Scott, but now…it might be a good time. I held his gaze a moment and then turned back to my friends.
    Maxwell was looking into the forest, and Jasper was in the middle of a funny story about his girlfriend’s bad luck with cars. Maxwell turned back to me and caught me eying Nolan again. “Hey, dude, how serious are you with the Fae?”
    “What do you mean? Not at all, he just—”
    “Because I think he’s here. I’m pretty sure I saw him in the woods.”
    “What?” I

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