Wolf Dream
turning it off. Well, that explains why the plane is descending.
    We all crowded in as best we could to watch. Ian moved him from his seat and laid him on the floor. Stepping over him, Ian sat down and looked around. “Do you think if I hit the auto thing it will engage where they had it set before?”
    I shrugged. “I don’t know, but we gotta try something.”
    Ian switched it over but nothing happened. He shook his head then hit the control dash. “Julie, wake him up!”
    “I can’t. I don’t know what’s wrong.”
    “Figure it out ,” I said as I stepped over the sleeping pilot and unbuckled the other one. He slouched over and I barely caught him before his head hit the floor. He finally made it out of the chair and rested on top of the other guy. I sat in the other pilot’s seat. “Maybe I can help?”
    Ian gave me a sad look. “What do you wanna try?”
    “I don’t know. I’m gonna feel for the energy in the computer to help while you switch the auto thing back on again. If we can keep us from crashing into the ocean until Julie can wake up the pilot, then I will be happy.”
    “Alright, ready?” Ian grabbed the switch and waited for me.
    Even with shaky hands I released enough energy to boost the power in the computer and Ian turned it on. Almost instantly, the plane leveled out and I could feel an incline. “Oh thank God.” My breaths came fast.
    Camilla grabbed her chest and let out a sigh. “Thank you.”
    I stood up and ran out of the cockpit. Julie wasn’t anywhere that I could see. The passengers I passed were still asleep, but at least the plane wasn’t descending anymore. Although, the lights still flickered occasionally down the aisles.
    “Julie!” I ran down the aisle. Where was she?
    “Es, Ailaina needs your help with Lauren.” Luna’s distraught voice interrupted my thoughts.
    I headed back to the stairs. T aking two at a time, I made it to the upper deck where Ailaina, Lauren, and Luna waited for me. Lauren was lying on the floor and I could see she was having trouble breathing.
    I kneeled next to her . She smiled up at me but I knew it was fake. “So you decided to join my party after all,” she whispered in between heavy breaths.
    “Yeah, you know, I thought you’d miss me.” I looked over her torso. Her hands were folded together over the wound in her side. I wanted to cry. It looked so much worse than it did earlier. Bright crimson pooled out onto the floor.
    “Es,” Ailaina touched my arm. “They used Belladonna.”
    The world around me seemed to slow down. Nothing mattered anymore but Lauren. It was just like Bry all over again. All of my childhood he was my dad; even after I found out, I loved him just the same. In my heart I would always have a place for him as a father, and losing him much the same way pulled at my heart as I looked at Lauren. “Get Ian.”
    I knew Ailaina left to go find him but I never saw her leave. Luna nestled up next to me and that’s when I noticed Kara laying down with Lauren. Her muzzle rested on Lauren’s shoulder. Her soft whimper tore at my heart, and tears filled my eyes.
    I sat up a little better and ran my hands over her injury. I could feel the Belladonna burning my skin , but I still tried to pull it from her. Lauren gripped my wrist. “Don’t, it’s not worth you dying too.” She took a ragged breath and winced. “Besides, Ian needs you. I’m glad he’s happy again.”
    I shook my head. “No, I’m gonna try. I have to.” I sniffed and tried to hold back the tears , but they fell anyway.
    I placed my hands back over her wound and tried to pull the poison from her, but nothing came out. I pushed harder as tears streamed profusely down my face. Ian gently moved my hands away. I didn’t even realize he was there with us. “Es, honey, she’s gone.”
    Ailaina pulled her knees to her chest and cried.
    I sobbed as Ian pulled me into his arms. A howl made me look over his shoulder. Lauren’s spirit wolf looked down at

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