A Bedtime Story

A Bedtime Story by L.C. Moon

Book: A Bedtime Story by L.C. Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.C. Moon
he was telling her the truth. She felt exhausted. Though the sun was still
     shining bright in the sky, she just wanted her bed. “May I be excused?” she asked,
    He nodded. She got up, her movements slow and pained, and left his
    He spent the day thinking of her. Time was running out. He’d
     received a call that night from Dimitri. The big boss himself wanted an update on
     the progress. Peter had betrayed them. He was seen talking with the police, but the
     worst offense was that he stole the file with all the information, damning
     information. He thought he’d use it as protection. How wrong he was. This act alone
     had cost him a high priority on Dimitri’s hit list. Dimitri would not rest until he
     had his head. It was more than getting the file back; it was a matter of principle.
     He had to die. Traitors could not be allowed to live. Kayne knew Dimitri could wait,
     as long as it took. He would spend all the resources necessary, but he would hunt
     him down. He would never forget, never move on until justice was obtained.
    The Peter that Kayne had met was very different from the one Laura
     described. Did she even know what her brother had become, or did she blind herself
    She was a special girl, far beyond her years. He
     sometimes forgot she was only twenty-three. He never liked girls much younger than
     he was; he’d be turning thirty this year. He had learned a lot about her today. They
     had more similarities than he cared to admit. Both motherless. Although he’d never
     been abused, his father had a creative idea or two when it came to disciplining him
     as well. His father was a peculiar man. He made him the man he was. From his father,
     he had learned the value of words and the importance to choose them carefully. That
     any man worth his salt commanded respect, never demanded it. Lev Malkin
     laughed at clowns in flashy cars making ruckus whenever possible, to be heard and
     impress, and in the process, reassure their fragile egos. Know who you are, and
     they will too was Lev’s golden motto. As a true disciple, Kayne steered
     clear of red convertibles and extravagant clothes. He appreciated beauty in its
     simplest form, always opting for understated elegance.
    He remembered his tenth birthday. He had asked for a toy gun he had
     seen on TV. He received a real one. His father led him down to the holding cell
     where a man was tied up on a chair, beaten to a bloody pulp. It was his first kill.
     He remembered how nauseous he felt, he could still taste the bile rising in his
     mouth. However, when it was done and his father had patted him on the back as he
     seldom did, he felt a sense of well-being wash over him. He knew then he had done
     the right thing.
    Kayne looked back at the postcard he was holding in his hands,
     feeling conflicted. He had Lucas go through Laura’s mail and clear her apartment. It
     had taken them over six months before even discovering Laura. Peter had never
     mentioned a sister, smart move . In the two weeks he’d watched her, he hadn’t
     noticed anyone close to her. He doubted anyone would raise too many questions about
     her disappearance. They’d assume she’d taken off. What a shame, he thought, she was
     definitely worth looking for. He hadn’t mentioned the postcard to Dimitri. Placing
     it back on the table, looking at the jumble of random characters and scribbles, he
     knew he’d keep it that way.

he day was rather uneventful. Laura made
     sure and asked Olga whether Master Kayne was around before she ventured out
     of her room. She went to the library and picked a few books before making herself a
     sandwich and settling in her living room, which she now baptized as her
     reading room. It was a rather pleasant day, all things considered. Olga came in only
     once to check if she needed anything and, as always, to confirm that supper would be
     served at seven, but she was otherwise left to her own devices.

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