A Most Scandalous Proposal

A Most Scandalous Proposal by Ashlyn Macnamara

Book: A Most Scandalous Proposal by Ashlyn Macnamara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashlyn Macnamara
excuse to Mama and many apologetic nods to the other spectators, she urged her sister toward the back of the room. As they slipped through a paneled door into the main hall of the Upperton town house, Julia cast a final glance over her shoulder.
    The reason behind her sister’s distraction became immediately apparent. His snow-white cravat arranged in an artfully complicated knot, William Ludlowe lounged against one of the far walls. He caught Julia’s eye and acknowledged her with a smile and a nod.
    Julia turned her back on him. “Why did he have to choose tonight of all nights to begin attending musicales?”
    In reply, Sophia let out a moan. Julia studied her sister for the least sign of illness. If anyone were to express disgruntlement, it should be Julia herself.
    “You aren’t feeling faint by any chance, are you?”
    Sophia waved her fan in front of her reddened cheeks. “Certainly not. I’ve resolved never to faint in society again. It gets me into the worst sort of trouble.”
    Julia was about to point out that fainting was not exactly a reaction Sophia could control, when her sister added, “Oh, I should never have come tonight.”
    “I cannot say I blame you there. The Upperton sisters do seem to get worse each year, don’t they?” The strains of a new tune reached the hallway. Julia winced.
    Sophia’s fan came to rest against her bodice. “I did not mean it that way.”
    “Then what did you mean?”
    “Only I’m not fit to be seen in society now.”
    “What nonsense. Of course you are.”
    “But Lady Wexford—”
    Julia reached for her sister’s arm. “Lady Wexford isnothing more than a vicious gossip with nothing better to do than create scandal where none exists.”
    “Be careful who you say that to.” Sophia slumped against the fading chinoiserie wallpaper. The faint offkey warbling of some Scottish air drifted from the conservatory. “If she gets wind of it, she’ll be out to ruin you, as well.”
    “How will she get wind of it?”
    “You never know.” Sophia inspected her nails for a moment. “At any rate, Mama’s invited her to dinner on Monday, so be careful what you say.”
    Julia frowned. “Why would Mama invite her to dinner? Or perhaps I ought to ask why Lady Wexford would accept.”
    “Something happened today while you were out paying calls.” Sophia sighed and stared up at the crown molding for a moment. “I knew I should have gone with you. I might have avoided this mess altogether.”
    “What mess?” Her sister’s face took on a grayish tinge, and Julia grabbed her wrist. “Sophia, what’s happened?”
    “While you were out, Lord Highgate paid me a visit.” Sophia’s blue eyes sought out Julia’s. “He proposed.”
    “I accepted,” Sophia murmured.
    “It isn’t as if I intend to go through with it,” she rushed to add.
    “Good evening, ladies.”
    Sophia gasped. Julia whirled. Benedict loomed at the far end of the hall with George Upperton. Their heels thudded on the parquet floor as they approached.
    A grin split Upperton’s good-natured face. “Taking the intelligent route and hiding out in the corridor, I see. It’s a strategy that’s served me well over the years.”
    Julia nodded at the new arrivals, while inwardly cursingtheir sense of timing. She ducked her head to avoid Benedict’s gaze.
    “Miss Julia.” The gravelly quality of his voice struck her as somehow different. But why? She’d been hearing it for years.
    She closed her eyes in a vain effort to ward off an inner prickle of recognition. Drat Sophia, why had she teased her with the possibility that Benedict was in love with her? Now Julia would question all his actions toward her. And what if what Sophia had said in jest turned out to be true?
    If I remain forever a bachelor, I shall lay the blame at your feet
. And what, precisely, had he meant by that?
    If she had to face his feelings, she might well have to examine this terrifying and

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