Adopted Son

Adopted Son by Linda Warren

Book: Adopted Son by Linda Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Warren
to a semidark room with baby beds. A nurse was attending to a baby on the other side of the room. A woman sat in a straight-back chair asleep by another bed where a small girl lay sleeping. The woman’s head was on a pillow propped against the baby bed. Grace glanced at her for a moment, wondering how she could sleep like that.
    The nurse stopped by a bed. “This is Brady…oh, he’s awake.”
    A little boy sat in a corner clutching a stuffed dog, his gown tangled around his hips. His head had been shaved and Grace saw the medicated sores. She was mesmerized by the big brown eyes staring back at her.
    “Brady, what are you doing awake?” the nurse asked him gently.
    Brady didn’t move or even blink. He kept staring at Grace.
    “He’s met so many new people lately. I think it’s a little overwhelming for him. He doesn’t know who to trust.”
    Grace saw the empty baby bottle lying beside Brady. “Maybe he’s hungry,” she suggested, reaching in for the bottle.
    Brady made a dive for it, jerking the bottle away before Grace could touch it.
    “He’s very territorial,” the nurse said. “I guess he’s had to fight for everything. It’s just so sad.” She took a breath. “We only give him a bottle at night. I’ll get him a little bit more formula and maybe he’ll go back to sleep.”
    Grace leaned slightly into the baby bed. “Hi, Brady.” Even in the semidarkness she could see his long dark eyelashes. “My, you have very long eyelashes. See—” she blinked one eye then another “—mine are short and light brown. Maybe we could trade. Would you like to trade eyelashes, Brady?”
    One eye blinked. She was almost positive. Leaning closer, she watched him, but he didn’t do it again. She wasn’t sure he’d even done it in the first place.
    The nurse brought another bottle. “Do you mind if I give it to him?” Grace asked.
    “No, but be aware he doesn’t take it like a normal child.”
    Grace took the bottle from her and handed it to Brady. He snatched it from her, retreating to his corner, his eyes watching her.
    “Wow. That was fast.”
    “Yes,” the nurse replied, glancing at her watch. “I have to give a doctor a report. Maybe when I come back, he’ll be ready to go to sleep.”
    “Do you mind if I stay here?”
    “No. Just don’t try to take him out of the bed.”
    “Sure.” Grace placed her purse on the floor, never taking her eyes off Brady’s wary ones. She leaned over the railing again and patted the mattress. “Wouldn’t you like to lie down? I have a nephew and he likes it when I rub his back. Would you like me to rub your back, Brady?”
    No response. But he scooted closer to her, sucking hungrily on the nipple.
    She reached out and touched his leg. He pulled it back.
    “Lie down, Brady, and go night-night.” This time he frowned at her.
    “Rock-a-bye, Brady,” she began to sing softly. After a couple of choruses, Brady lay on his side then turned onto his stomach. Grace pulled the blanket over him and rubbed his back slightly. He slapped her hand away.
    “Rock-a-bye, Brady,” she continued to sing, watching his precious little face.
    When she stopped, he opened his eyes wide, so she kept on singing. Finally those gorgeous lashes fluttered against his cheeks.
    “Night, Brady,” she murmured as his beautiful eyes stayed closed. When she walked out, she met the nurse. “He’s asleep,” Grace whispered. At the nurses’ station, she asked, “How is he?”
    “His wounds are healing. There’s a large infected wound on one butt cheek that’s going to take some time, but it’s those inner wounds we’re worried about.” The nurse held out her hand. “My name is Jennifer and I was on duty when they brought him in.” They shook hands. “It’s hard to tell how long he went without his diaper being changed, but his skin was raw and infected. Poor thing had to have been in so much pain.”
    “But he’s not now?” The thought of Brady being in any type of pain

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