Chapter One
    She tromped through the tall weeds beneath a half moon. Trip couldn’t take his eyes off Shye’s slender yet curvy hips that swayed as she cut her own path. Carrying a rocket launcher on one shoulder, dressed in painted on black pants, knee high leather boots and a black half-top, she looked as hot as she was dangerous.
    Beams of moonlight danced off the lustrous black mane of raven hair trailing down her back. She hadn’t said much on the ride down from Remle’s cabin to her farm. What should’ve been a time of great celebration had been delayed by filth—the dirty underworld of drug runners that had taken over her farm during the past weeks.
    “Are you sure this is what you want?” He placed a gentle hand on her bare arm.
    She turned and gazed up at him with eyes that never ceased to melt the ice of past betrayal from his heart. “This is the only way to purify my land,” she replied in a voice softer than the look of fierce determination in those huge black doe-eyes. “Isn’t fire nature’s way of burning death from the earth? I must remove all traces of the white man’s shame from my home before moving my parents onto the land.”
    “I’m sorry it went down this way.” He caressed her soft cheek with one hand. “I had hoped we could’ve taken your land back long before the situation got this far out of control.”
    She offered a brave smile. “I was really far off track when I assumed Carter had wanted the land for its rich soil and valuable minerals. Who would ever suspect the town banker as a major player in a drug ring?”
    Trip’s thoughts did a quick rewind. “You know, babe, if none of this had happened, you and I may have never met.”
    “True,” she agreed with a little laugh. “If I hadn’t been robbing his bank I wouldn’t have needed a fast getaway driver…and you are fast.”
    He couldn’t help but grin with pride. “But it was your gutsy moves that forced Carter to hire Draven. I’ve been tracking that prick for years. Seems like our agendas worked well together so far.”
    “I had no idea that Pike was working with Carter…and Gage yet!” She shook her head. “If things keep going like this, my peaceful village will become a ghost town. We’ve lost the banker and the lawyer. Wonder who’s next?”
    “The killer,” he stated. “Draven can’t get too far carrying that rain stick around. From what I saw, the Rain Riders will take his ass if he runs off with their sacred relic.”
    “But he could sell it.”
    “If he does word will travel like wildfire and we’ll pick up his trail again.”
    “True.” She nodded. “Anyone who acquires a relic of such value won’t be able to hide their excitement. What are your plans now? Will you take to the road again in search of him?”
    He slid one arm around her bare waist while holding his own weapon in the other. “Not without you. We agreed to marry once your mission is complete and the farm was back in your hands.”
    “ Ina and Ate will be very pleased.” She stood on tiptoes to place a sweet kiss on his lips.
    “I hope your mother and father are as happy about our wedding plans as they are over returning to their home.”
    “They will be. They’ve wanted me to settle down for a long time.”
    “Can you settle down?” he teased.
    “With you…yeah. Just because we’re getting married doesn’t mean we have to slow down. I’ve really taken a liking to riding on your Harley. I hope there are some joy rides in our future.”
    “As opposed to running from the law and chasing criminals?” He laughed.
    Her sweet light laugh was laced with irony. “Yeah…”
    “Then I’ll just have to make sure you receive all the rides your heart desires.” His lips brushed hers in a light kiss. “I can’t wait to make you officially mine,” he murmured while their lips still touched.
    “We can get married here if you like.” Her voice rang with hope and her eyes sparkled. “I have no doubt that Ina has been

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