working furiously on my dress. I can’t imagine a more fitting way to celebrate the reacquisition of my family’s plantation than by joining myself to you here…where all my ancestors before me shared their vows. I believe their spirits live here and will bless our union.”
    “You have the loveliest way of expressing your faith.” He smiled in adoration. “I could never deny you a thing. If your wish is that we marry here on this beautiful and sacred property then of course I agree.” He gazed around, peering into the vast darkness that spread out around them as far as he could see. “Yes…this is the perfect place for us to become wed.”
    “You do realize that after tonight we won’t have a house until I find a way to rebuild.”
    “That’s one of the reasons I asked if you were sure about what you intend to do. Not for me, because I can sleep anywhere. I’m used to life on the road. And I have money saved to help so that is not my concern either. But you…you grew up here. This was your home.”
    “This…” She made an outward sweeping motion with one arm toward the seemingly endless acreage. “Is my home. That…” She pointed to the two-story house. “Is nothing more than a shell that has been contaminated with greed…a human trait that is lower than low among my people.”
    “I’ll live anywhere you want, but there’s no way I’m firing the first shot into your house,” he said with a grin.
    She laughed. “I understand. I can do it.” She gazed into his eyes with such intensity an ache rose in his groin. “Thank you, baby…thank you for agreeing to make our new home here.”
    He shrugged modestly. “You don’t owe me thanks. I am honored to share this enchanted land with the most mysteriously alluring woman I’ve ever known.”
    Their lips met for another tender kiss. Her mouth lingered on his and her tongue flitted into his mouth. He sighed heavily and pulled her closer. They sunk into a deep exchange of affection that left them both misty-eyed when she finally eased back.
    “Ready?” Her smile was as soft as her pretty voice.
    “After you, angel.” He motioned for her to walk ahead of him. “Besides, the view is better from back here.”
    He heard a light giggle as she marched on ahead. Her cute little behind with those apple cheeks drew his focus. Then his gaze did a bit more wandering over her shapely legs and upward along her graceful back and arms. She was without a doubt, stunning. He was anxious to complete their task in hopes they’d find peace in their lives at last.
    After plowing through unkempt grass that had overgrown the long winding drive, they reached the huge house in which Shye had been raised. A sense of sadness washed over him that she felt the need to destroy the dwelling. Still, he understood her reasons and the thought of building a new home and making a fresh start together excited him.
    * * * *
    Shye positioned the rocket launcher on one shoulder and took a firm hold. “My favorite thing about serving in the military was the simulated war games. I loved blowing things up.” She drew a heavy sigh. “But I never thought I’d be using my skills to level my own home.”
    She glanced at Trip who stood watching with sincere eyes. His sympathy for her plight shone in those dark depths. It’s just a building, she told herself. The sooner I purify the land the sooner my parents can come home. Without further delay she fired the first grenade into the house. A loud pop followed by a whoosh whipped through the air seconds before a massive explosion rocked the ground. She reloaded and launched another, then another until the home she’d been raised in became a blazing inferno.
    Trip draped one arm over her bare shoulders. “I don’t think you needed my help, babe.” A gentle finger lifted her chin and turned her face toward his. “Are you okay?”
    “Yeah…” She said through misty eyes. Tears threatened to break forth, but she held them back. “I’m

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