fine. How can I feel bad about this after we beat Gage at his game and got my land back?”
    They stood side-by-side and stared in silence as fire consumed the building. Shye loved his silent strength. He had his own demons to face yet he’d helped her first. She knew he longed to avenge his brother’s death, but when he had a clear shot at Pike, he’d stayed and helped her instead.
    “I smell rain,” she said after a long stretch of quiet between them. “The riders are coming.” Their unexpected approach sent a shiver through her soul. Instantly she recalled her time with them.
    “Should we leave?”
    “No.” Shye gave a slight shake of her head. “They come to wipe wasicu treachery from the land.” Pointing to the eastern horizon where a half moon had crept high overhead, she added, “Watch.”
    Clouds thickened but did not block the moonlight. An eerie reddish hue spread through the night sky as the riders took formation. Her pulse quickened with the desire to ride among them again. A knot of excitement tightened in her stomach as they drew closer. She could hear their horses snorting then watched in awe as the Rain Riders guided their fiery steeds downward from the sky. Thundering hooves hit the ground. Shye couldn’t tear her gaze away.
    Seconds after the riders made contact with Mother Earth the rain began to fall. She glanced at Trip who stood in utter amazement at the sight before him.
    “Incredible,” he barely muttered.
    Soaking rain merged into a torrential downpour, drenching their hair and clothes. Shye welcomed the clean wash sent by the spirit world to take away the stain of betrayal and the filth of greed. Late August heat faded beneath the cool water pouring over them. She let her weapon slide to the ground at her feet and simply stood with an open mind and heart. Trip seemed extremely tuned in as always and held her hand, lacing his long masculine fingers with hers.
    The riders scattered to the four winds, waving their dream catchers in one hand while shaking their rain sticks with the other as they swept over the land. They raced along the property lines, urging their horses to fly across the acreage with amazing speed and dexterity. She heard their whoops and whistles in the distance then closer when they returned to the house.
    Dressed in fringed leggings, loincloths, and bone breastplates, the warriors were a spectacular sight to behold as they cleansed the land. Shye did not expect this. Their visitation humbled her and made her realize just how sacred this land had become. No wonder they came back and attacked the men who stole my farm. This beautiful piece of ground belongs to my people not just to me. “I am very blessed to be chosen by Nagi ,” she whispered to Trip.
    “They chose wisely,” he added in a soft voice. “You are brave and relentless.”
    “I am loyal, that’s all.” She smiled modestly. “Here they come again. They are magnificent. I can’t believe my ancestors from many generations past have come to purify our home.”
    She gasped as the herd of wild-looking horses carrying the greatest Lakota warriors of all time stepped toward her. Some of the braves looked young with ebony braids hanging far past their bronze shaded shoulders. Feathers of various colors were tied into their hair with leather thongs. Many of the older men wore full Indian bonnets over their gray hair that revealed their esteemed position among the nation. Long trails of feathers hung down their backs. Young or old, the burning spirit of a people who would never die shone brightly in their dark eyes. Even the wrinkles of age did not hide their indomitable spirit.
    Suddenly Nagi Howiwacipi —Shadow the Ghost Dancer—emerged from the gathering then slid from the bare back of her black stallion. She looked more beautiful than ever dressed in her white doeskin dress and moccasins. Her wild black hair whipped around her pretty face in the gusty wind. Nagi stepped forward then turned toward

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