Calling Me Home
I had a hard time allowing to come to the surface, wanted to spend all my time with Luke. But he was working late tonight, so I wasn’t technically giving up time with him. Jesus, when had I become that girl? “I’m going to the loo.”
    “Again? You just went. I have penises to discuss with you.”
    “What are you, the toilet police? And if you insist on talking about penises, I’m going to start telling you about your brother’s.” I gave her a stern look as I headed off to the bathroom, pulling out my phone to see if Luke had messaged me. I grinned as I saw the symbol at the top of the screen confirming he had.
    Luke: I’ll be home by ten. Hope you’re having fun.
    Ashleigh: I won’t be long after you. The hormones are making Haven crazy.
    As soon as I came out of the stall, my phone pinged again.
    Luke: It’s nothing to do with the hormones. I miss you.
    Living together these past few weeks had been going better than I’d expected. I didn’t feel the pressure for everything to be perfect the way that I’d thought I would. Everything felt so natural between us, as if we’d been a couple forever.
    I went back to the table with more enthusiasm than I’d had when I left. I hoped Haven was done talking about cock.
    “Those bathrooms smell of some disgusting air freshener. I hope what they serve up smells better,” I said, wrinkling my nose.
    “The food is always good here.” Haven waved her hand toward the kitchen. “So how’s it going with Luke? Are you having the battle of the toilet seat?”
    I grinned. “Nope. He’s good with putting the lid down.”
    “He is?”
    “It’s going well, actually. It doesn’t feel like the big adjustment I expected it to be.”
    “Yeah, it wasn’t with Jake either. I guess when it’s right, it’s not hard work.”
    “Maybe that’s it.” It felt right—as if we’d always lived together.
    “You’ll be getting married next,” she said.
    “As if. Luke isn’t the marrying kind. He’s already told me that.” I wasn’t exactly upset that Luke and I would never get married. More, I’d always seen marriage as part of my future—I’d just have to adjust my happy ever after. It was Luke I wanted. Not simply a husband.
    “So you’ve talked about it?”
    “Nope. He told me when he was talking about Emma wanting the big white dress.”
    “Guys change their minds,” she offered.
    “He was pretty clear. It broke him and Emma up, if you remember, and I wouldn’t place marriage over Luke. It’s a small compromise. I know he loves me.”
    “It’s good to see you so happy. You have a little love glow about you.”
    I grinned. I could barely stop smiling these days.
    The waiter brought our food, and we clinked water glasses.
    “Will you be my birthing partner?” She munched on a pepper. My stomach churned. The food wasn’t as good as it normally was. I couldn’t bring myself to eat much of anything. Haven wasn’t having the same problem.
    “Jake will be your birthing partner, you crazy.”
    “You know the best thing about being pregnant?”
    Apart from the inability to keep on one subject for more than five seconds?
    “No periods. The rest of it is terrible and terrifying. But at least I don’t have periods.”
    I grinned then released the muscles in my cheeks as I checked the date on my phone. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a period. I must have mixed up my dates or my pills or something. I’d have to check when I got home. “What do you find terrifying? Having to give up your freedom?”
    “Actually, not so much. More the responsibility. I want my kid to be a good person, but what happens if I fuck it up? Create a monster, or a serial killer? He or she might turn out to be a murderer.”
    “It worries me that worries you.” I shook my head.
    “You don’t think about it?”
    “That I’m going to give birth to a serial killer? Not today or even this week, no. But then again, I’m not pregnant.” As I said the words, I

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