Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
tipped Sammie Jo's
chin upward and looked into her beautiful eyes. "Now you sit still
while I get breakfast ready young lady. I have lots of work to do
this morning, and we want to make a good impression here, don't
    Sammie Jo grabbed her juice, and banged the
edge of it against the highchair, "Cack-cack."
    "Oh, okay, maybe just one." Emma smiled and
handed her a cracker assured that it would keep her satisfied all
of two seconds. She was learning.
    A couple of the men from the bunkhouse
wandered in from the back door and began helping themselves to the
    "Miss Emma, Sammie Jo," Sandy, the cow boss
acknowledged with a big smile on his face.
    "We couldn't help ourselves Miss Emma, the
coffee smelled too good." Little Jim the camp cook declared.
    "Help yourselves boys, breakfast is only a
few minutes away. Coffee will be ready every morning, just come on
in and wash up."
    Their expressions reassured her that her
culinary skills hadn't failed her. Although why she worried she
didn't know. The one thing she knew she could handle was cooking,
she'd been doing it since she was big enough to reach the counter.
Her own father had been the hardest man in the state to please when
it came to coffee and Emma had spent a whole summer learning how to
perfect it to his pleasure. She'd succeeded but all she got for her
effort was a grunt, and an unthankful remark.
    "Took you long enough to figure it out,
girl." Her father's words echoed in her head.
    Emma didn't want to think about her father
right now. She was miles from home and he could no longer hurt her.
Besides, she had toughened under his roof. She was a survivor. He
had unknowingly taught her to survive on her own, and she had to
admit she was proud of herself.
    One of the men sauntered over to Sammie Jo
and started playing with her. Sammie Jo giggled joyfully. She loved
    "Let me give you a hand, Emma." Cal Travers
wandered into the kitchen, and upon seeing the crowd rushed to help
set the long table extended almost to the back porch.
    "Thanks, Mr. Travers." Emma wiped her floured
hands on her apron and took the biscuits from the oven. Every man
there stared at the biscuits as if they'd never seen anything like
    "Is something wrong?" Emma asked startled by
their stares as she placed the biscuits in the center of the
    "Wrong, hell no–I mean, heck no, ma'am. We
just ain't seen such fine lookin' food in a long time." Little Jim
remarked. "Why I ain't seen biscuits rise like that since my ma was
    Emma blushed at the compliment, unsure of
what to do or say next, so she went back to her task. "Well sit
down and help yourselves boys, I've got sausage and eggs coming and
the gravy is on the way too," Emma said, happy that they
appreciated her efforts. It was strange what a lift a compliment
could be. Yes, she smiled to herself, her job was pretty secure
here if their expressions were any sign.
    "You're gonna spoil 'em rotten, Emma." Cal
Travers sided up to her and whispered.
    "They do a hard day's work, they deserve a
good meal. And it's a joy to cook for men that appreciate it," Emma
    "You sound as though you've cooked for some
that didn't."
    "At least one, yes," Emma answered going to
the gravy and pouring it into a big bowl.
    She chanced a glance at Cal who seemed to
consider her remark a moment, then she took the gravy to the table,
thankful that he didn't pry any further. It would do no good to
rehash old problems, especially with her new bosses.


    Deke smelled the biscuits baking all the way
out to the barn. His mouth watered. He nodded. He'd done right by
hiring Emma. He knew that much. The woman could cook. She was a
ranch woman too, and that was in her favor. He hadn't had to tell
her much of anything, she seemed to catch on right away to what he
expected without too many questions.
    He liked her quiet, self-assured attitude. He
liked her.
    He gulped down the coffee quickly then
cleaned out a stall. He didn't like what he set

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