Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
himself up to
doing, but he didn't have much choice, the way he saw it. His
brothers needed settling down. They needed a taste of
responsibility. With Emma they'd get more than a taste of it.
    He moved Too Bit, one of his heartiest
heifers into the last stall in the barn and checked her over,
thoroughly. Rubbing her belly, he nodded.
    "You'll be okay once the doc gets you
something for that belly, Too Bit. And I won't be doing that to you
again. I promise."
    Dammit, if the crops hadn't burnt up in the
hot Texas sun, this wouldn't have happened, but Deke always managed
to roll with the punches. So had all the other ranchers around. At
least that's what his father kept telling him. Sometimes he
    If Clint hadn't run off last summer for the
rodeo, they might have gotten the irrigation system in for their
crops. Yeah, Clint and that good for nothing Steve. If only Clint
wouldn't listen to Steve so much. But Steve could be pretty
persausive with all the big money he was winning in the Rodeo. And
then there was Rusty. He hadn't been much good since he fell for
that Jennifer gal. At least that wasn't serious. Deke doubted
Jennifer could be faithful to her own shadow yet. She was in her
prime and knew it. Rusty would be better off with a gal like Emma,
steady, independent, a ranch woman. He'd start considering Rusty's
wife next.
    But Deke's mind wasn't on Too Bit, or the
ranch this morning, although he did care about them both. No, today
his mind was on a certain young woman who remained a mystery. Emma
looked an acted as though she could handle just about anything
anyone might throw her way, except–that baby flustered her.
Motherhood didn't seem to come natural to her. He wondered if that
were commonplace? Did all young mothers get flustered by their own
children that easily? He'd seen a case or two of it in his stock
through the years, but never in humans. He might never be sure of
that one, because he knew very little about the subject and aimed
to keep it that way.
    Maybe it was because Emma didn't have a
steady man behind her to reassure her. Yeah, that might explain a
lot of things.
    And why would a little gal like Emma wear
such clothes? Not that there was a darn thing wrong with jeans and
T-shirts, but her jeans fit kinda baggy like, as though she weren't
accustomed to showing off her figure. Who had raised her to be so
unaware of her own natural beauty?
    She was a fine looking woman. "Damn good
looking." He blurted. Couldn't be past twenty-three or four. She
was little but sturdy, and healthy looking. She had beautiful white
teeth and olive skin, fine bones, great hair–and God he'd better
quit thinking along those lines. That's what got him into trouble
the last time. Not keeping his mind on his business. Women and
lying just seemed to go together, even with Emma. He knew to stay
clear of women. Couldn't trust them. How had he let himself fall
for that little gal in Sweetwater was beyond him now. Well he
wouldn't be a fool again.
    Besides, Emma wasn't for him, she was going
to be his sister-in-law and he'd better get used to the idea now.
Those were the things that Clint should be appreciating. Clint
talked more than usual last night. Could be Emma brought out the
best in him. Just like Abby had at one time, but then Clint hadn't
been interested in his neighbor as a girlfriend, no they were just
good friends. At least they used to be.
    Maybe it was the way she dressed that drove
her husband off? And maybe he shouldn't be worrying about her
husband or the way she dressed. It might be understandable though,
but still, Emma seemed to have a lot going for her other than just
good looks. Trouble was, a lot of men didn't look that deep.
    Had the snake even had the decency to marry
her? Deke doubted they had married since Emma was so dead set
against talking about him, and there was no ring on her finger
either. Not even a white ring around the finger, like she had been
wearing one and just took it off. Bile burned in

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