Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince

Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince by Kumar Lomash

Book: Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince by Kumar Lomash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kumar Lomash
for them. Just that they still seem to be driven by instinct.”, Igogo said. Others around him kept smiling in approval of his prejudgement.
    “I hope, I am able to grow up to the hum’s standards soon. I would need all of your guidance.”, Kevin responded aptly.
    Keele and Boriri still stood at a distance but listened to every word very keenly. They were both happy to see Kevin handle the situation as per his training but knew that a few minutes were enough for Igogo to throw him out of balance.
    “Who is the beautiful lady?”, Igogo acknowledged Seriri, being the gentleman that he was.
    “Seriri.”, Kevin introduced her.
    “Good that you have made some friends here. I feared you would be lonely so far from home.”, Igogo said. His tone was every bit as authentic as that of a true well wisher who was genuinely concerned but Kevin knew what this truly was. Igogo was trying to imply that Kevin was, after all, a human who was out of place among the hums.
    “On the contrary, I feel completely at home.”, Kevin lied. It has never been easy for him to lie but he knew this was a game of wits. He continued, “I have friends there, I must accept but I have friends here too.”, Kevin looked at Seriri with admiration. He made it look real. He also put his arms around her waist and pulled her in gently.
    It seemed to be working for Kevin. Other guests in the room found it easier to accept Kevin as one of them because of Seriri. She had been standing by his side the whole evening and had true admiration for him in her eyes. Although Kevin was only using her, even if he knew it only at a subconscious level, she took his gestures a bit too seriously. Finding his hand in her waist, she blushed and leaned into him.
    Igogo found Kevin to be a tougher target than anticipated. He prepared his next attack with much more sophistication. “So, you are here to end my rule!”, he asked point blank.
    This was Igogo’s sharpest attack yet and it was supposed to throw Kevin off balance. He had said it bluntly but covered it with a witty smile. Kevin knew he had to respond. Not responding would mean that he truly believed he was here to end Igogo’s rule. This would mean to the bystanders that he was over-confident and took the elections for granted.
    Boriri realised that Igogo’s last comment had put Kevin in a fix. Any response from him would have made him look either an over confident fool or a spine-less coward. It was stale mate for Kevin unless someone else responded on his behalf. He decided it was time to join the conversation.
    “You have had a long enough run, Igogo. It’s time for you to rest.”, Boriri too replied bluntly but with a witty smile. This is exactly why he had been listening to the conversations all along. Boriri had successfully saved Kevin and pushed Igogo on the defensive.
    “Ah, Boriri. The mastermind himself.”, Igogo turned to Boriri. He had a big smile on his face.
    “If you say so.”, Boriri smiled back.
    “On a serious note, I am a fan of the king’s rule myself. Hums need it now more than ever. The prince has my full support.”, Igogo said, increasing the diplomatic tone in his voice. Maybe he was withdrawing now seeing Boriri on the other side.
    “We need your support, Igogo. You are right, hums need the king’s rule now more than ever. It has been long overdue, don’t you think?”, Boriri asked rhetorically.
    At first Kevin feared that the conversation between Boriri and Igogo would turn ugly but then realised that both of them were too mature to let that happen. He understood that although everyone around them could hear what they both said, only they knew what they wanted to communicate to each other.
    “Have they introduced you formally yet, my prince?”, Igogo turned to Kevin and asked.
    “No. We were waiting for everyone to arrive.”, Boriri replied before Kevin could.
    Igogo looked around and said casually, “Let’s not keep the people waiting. They have waited long enough

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