Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)

Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) by Lisa Helen Gray Page A

Book: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
sighs, not seeming happy about calling her son to babysit. “Your father has too many procedures booked in right now to cancel,’’ she rushes out. She leans up, kissing him on the cheek in greeting before turning towards CJ. “CJ,’’ she smiles warmly, and then her kind, gentle eyes find mine and her smile brightens. “Who do we have here?’’
    “Hi, I’m Willow,’’ I greet before Cole can introduce us. I reach out to shake her hand but she waves it away with an amused smirk and brings me in for a hug. Her arms embrace me and it’s hard not to hug her back. She has this presence that makes you instantly trust her.
    “Willow wants to see my room,’’ Mia tells her mum, taking my hand in hers.
    “Mom,’’ Cole calls, before she has chance to grab her bag. “Willow was looking for a job to fit around her courses,’’ he starts and I begin to wonder if he’s being spying on me or if he just took a well educated guess. My guess is the latter. “CJ suggested Willow babysit Mia.’’
    His mum gives him a warm kind smile, her hand reaching out to cup his cheek. His eyes soften at her touch, and I see the little boy behind his hard, dangerous exterior.
    She nods her head before turning to me. “Do you have any experience?’’ she asks, turning into mum mode.
    “I used to babysit for my mum’s friends kids,’’ I admit. Being an only child I wasn’t needed to babysit for my mum so most parents would ask me to babysit for them.
    She nods her head smiling. “I’ll see how you get on for today. I’ll talk to my husband and Mia when I’m back and if everything’s okay, I guess I can’t see why not.’’
    “Sounds good,’’ I grin, and then look down at Mia who is currently trying to pull my arm out of its socket.
    “C’mon, I want to show you the new bear Liam bought me,’’ she begs impatiently.
    “Hold on a second. Let’s say goodbye to your mum first,’’ I giggle, ignoring the intense stare Cole is sending my way, causing goosebumps to breakout all over my skin and I shiver.
    “Bye mummy,’’ Mia waves, full of energy.
    Her mum chuckles, shaking her head down at her little girl like she’s used to her antics. “Give me some love first,’’ she teases tapping her cheek. When Mia lets go of my hand and takes a step forward, her mum grabs her, pulling her in for a hug, raining kisses all over her face.
    Mia giggles trying to fight away from her mum, but she doesn’t let go. “Mercy! Stop! I’m going to pee,’’ she squeals. When she’s finally free she runs behind Cole’s large muscled leg, peeping around him to stick her tongue out at her mum.
    “Can you be here after practice to show Willow where everything is? I don’t have time right now and I’ll not get a break until at least four,’’ she sighs.
    “Yes,’’ he agrees, his eyes softening. “She’ll be fine. Willow lives on our floor so we’ll know where she lives if she takes the kid,’’ he teases, and my eyes widen in shock.
    He joked.
    He just made a freaking joke.
    A laugh bubbles out before I can stop it and I cover my mouth with my hand, snickering. “Sorry,’’ I choke out, not wanting to come across as rude. After all, I haven’t gotten the job for sure yet.
    She laughs at my expense. “It’s fine. He’s not one to joke or crack a smile so when he does it can be quite the shock,’’ she teases me.
    I nod, laughing, loving how easy she is to talk to. She’s the complete opposite to Cole, it’s uncanny. It makes me wonder if he gets his bright personality from his dad.
    “Mum,’’ he growls, giving her a warning look that has me biting my lip.
    “I’m going,’’ she smiles, rolling her eyes. “Emergency numbers are on the fridge if you need me for anything,’’ she calls, grabbing her keys from the hook by the front door.
    The door doesn’t even shut before Mia starts pulling at my arm again, moaning at me. “C’mon. C’mon.’’
    “Okay, okay,’’ I giggle, letting

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