Haunted Heart

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Book: Haunted Heart by Susan Laine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Laine
could appreciate the genre, even value the hopeful messages these stories sent about romance, erotica, sensuality, and love eternal. But Duncan had never felt lacking of anything when he thought about his sex life.
    Now, however, the difference was staring him in the face—if he only dared to face it back. His past guys were just that. Past. Ruben was, exactly as Duncan had said, incandescent. Ruben was timid but radiant, shy but smart, in hiding but so gifted.
    Duncan felt responsible for Ruben now that he had promised the boy all but the sun and the moon from the sky. He had given the young man hope of this becoming something between them. He couldn’t back out now—even if he had doubts.
    “What am I going to do, Mags?” he asked, praying she had definitive answers.
    Maggie let out a mirthless, short chuckle. “You know what to do already, Duncan. It’s your everyday policy, the backbone of your ethical code.” She rose from the seat and gave him a weak but encouraging smile. “Be honest with him. If he has fears, he should be able to understand yours.”
    Duncan watched her leave the room. She was right. If he were honest with Ruben, it should all work out. Right?
    “M MM .”
    The moment Ruben opened the door for him, Duncan leaned in to steal a quick kiss from his lips. Ruben blushed, but his tentative smile brightened with every second that passed, and Duncan knew the gesture had been welcome.
    “Hi. Please, come in.” Ruben moved aside to let Duncan in.
    Immediately, Duncan saw the lit fireplace in the sitting room, and he headed toward it. “Isn’t it too hot for a fire?” He also saw a blanket in front of the fireplace, a plate of finger foods, and a jug of juice, all laid out like a picnic. His heart warmed at the sight.
    “It can get a bit chilly up here in the mountains, even in the summer.” Ruben plopped down on the blanket and looked up at Duncan coyly, waiting.
    Duncan sat cross-legged so their knees brushed. “This was a great idea.” He eyed the assortment of easy dishes with a growing hunger. Bacon-wrapped potatoes, fried herbed almonds, grilled chicken bites with apricot-mustard sauce, ham and cheese filled baguette bits, asparagus and beef wraps with rice balls, vegetable sushi, chocolate chip brownies, and banana muffins. Even though the dishes were small in size, Duncan was sure he would burst apart if he ate all this. “Looks delicious.”
    Ruben beamed. “I didn’t know what you liked, other than Italian, so I tried a bit of everything. I hope that’s okay.”
    “Absolutely. Thank you, Ruben.” He thought a moment. “I have some wine in the car if you’d like. I was going to take it home, but I wouldn’t mind sharing.”
    Ruben bit his bottom lip. “I… I don’t drink much. I don’t know what’s good. Wine, I mean.”
    “Wanna try, maybe?”
    Ruben shrugged. “Sure. I guess.”
    It wasn’t a ringing endorsement, but Duncan decided to make sure they would only sip and taste the red wine, not get drunk. “I’ll go get it. Back in a bit.”
    He rushed to the car, took the Northstar Cabernet Sauvignon bottle from the bag, and carried it inside. Duncan liked the wines from Columbia Valley, WA, and this particular cabernet held flavors of raspberry, cherry, and blackberry, with a hint of vanilla.
    He walked into the house, dropped back down on the blanket, and took Ruben’s glass. “I hope you like this one. It’s one of my favorites.” He poured them each a few fingers worth.
    Ruben eyed the drink warily, sloshing it about a bit. “Are you a… a connoisseur?”
    “Of wine?” Duncan shook his head. “No, not really. I know what I like, though.” He added a wink to the statement and watched, rapt, as Ruben’s cheeks reddened.
    Ruben ducked his head, his dark hair flipping down to hide his face, and he took a small sip from the wine. He smacked his lips together as he apparently rolled and tasted the liquid on his tongue. “Fruity.”
    “Yes, it

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