Hell Hath No Fury

Hell Hath No Fury by Rosie Harris

Book: Hell Hath No Fury by Rosie Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosie Harris
sandwiches brought a welcome break and saved her from having to comment.
    â€˜Help yourself,’ he invited. ‘There’s chicken, beef and cheese.’ He grinned. ‘I wasn’t sure if you were a vegetarian or not.’
    The sight of food reminded her how long it was since she’d last eaten. She tucked in, pleasantly surprised at how good the sandwiches were.
    â€˜You’ve eaten here before?’
    â€˜Yes. It’s my regular. I usually avoid it on Thursday nights because they have a live band playing in the Lounge Bar. That’s why it’s so packed in there. Other nights it’s quite civilized. You’ll have to come again sometime. The food is excellent.’
    â€˜Only if you let me pay.’
    â€˜You’re on!’ He took another swig of his beer. ‘Really into this feminism business, are you?’
    â€˜No! I do believe in paying my way, though.’
    â€˜Especially when you are in the company of one of your subordinates,’ he said with a humourless smile.
    â€˜I prefer to think of you as a team-mate not a subordinate,’ she told him in a level voice.
    His green gaze held hers, and she felt herself colouring.
    â€˜Team-mate!’ He repeated the phrase as if he was rolling a boiled sweet around in his mouth and testing it for flavour.
    She took a deep breath. ‘I hope we can work as a team; as partners. You must have a wealth of experience, so I’m sure there’s a great deal you can teach me,’ she added quietly.
    He bit into a sandwich. ‘You’re the inspector. You’re the one who gives the orders, ma’am.’
    â€˜Oh, for goodness’ sake!’ Despite her intention to remain calm, to cajole him into friendship, Ruth found herself exploding with irritation. ‘Do you have to call me that? You said yourself we were off duty. If I call you Paddy then surely you can call me Ruth.’
    â€˜If those are your orders, ma’am!’ His expression was deadpan, but his green eyes gleamed mockingly.
    Ruth drained her wine and stood up. ‘Can I get you another pint?’
    He hesitated, and for a moment she thought he was going to refuse. ‘Better make it a half,’ he said as he passed his glass to her. ‘I’m driving, and a pint might put me over the limit.’
    When she returned with their drinks the atmosphere between them seemed to have undergone a positive change.
    â€˜Thanks . . . Ruth.’ He grinned as she set his beer down in front of him. ‘I’ve told you about my background, and how I live, now how about you telling me something about yourself?’
    â€˜Not very different to you. I’m renting a flat, and I live on my own. There didn’t seem to be much point in buying a place because I don’t know how long I will be in Benbury. If I make a mess of this case I’ll probably be moved on very speedily!’
    â€˜Which is why you want us to work as a team, so that you can put the blame on me,’ he teased.
    She shook her head. ‘You have so much more practical experience than me that I know I need your fullest cooperation. I’ve heard the rumours that you had hoped to be promoted to inspector yourself,’ she went on, ‘so I can understand how you must resent me being brought in over your head, and put in charge. I know I would have felt resentful if I’d been in your shoes,’ she told him.
    He passed a hand through his thick fair hair, averting his eyes. ‘And what would you have done about it?’
    She shrugged. ‘The same as you, I expect. Made the best of things.’
    His green eyes narrowed. ‘So that’s what you hope I’m going to do, is it?’
    She nodded. ‘I hope so. It would be best for both of us if you did.’
    He helped himself to the one remaining sandwich and chewed it thoughtfully. ‘Yes, you’re right,’ he admitted. ‘I knew I didn’t stand a chance

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