Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1)

Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) by Lolah Lace Page A

Book: Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) by Lolah Lace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lolah Lace
Tags: interracial paranormal romance
just etorphine hydrochloride.” She nonchalantly answered.
    “Etor-hydro-what?” Max could barely pronounce the word.
    “Horse tranq.” Scar hunched. “I knocked him out. Could you guys get him in the truck before someone sees us out here and calls the law.”
    Max grabbed Roy’s legs and Ryan held Roy’s upper body. They hauled Roy over to the Range Rover. Scar quickly opened the back door.
    “No, No, this douche bag goes in the trunk.” Max ordered and that’s exactly where they placed Roy.

    After driving for an hour Max decided to stop off at a seedy motel. He needed a place that didn’t ask questions. He needed a place that was off the beaten path. The first order of business was to get Roy settled. Max knew they had no other option but to use Roy for bait. This wasn’t a problem for Max. He loathed Roy and for good reason.
    The brothers had removed Roy from the truck’s trunk and tucked him away in the motel room. Roy Raymond was lying alone in one of two double beds. Roy tried to open his eyes. His vision was blurry. As it cleared he focused on Max sitting in a chair near the bed.
    Max’s scowl was heated and intense. He loathed Roy. Roy had briefly made life hard for Max. Although it was two years ago Max wasn’t the kind of man that would let the past go. Now that it was staring him in the face.
    Max rested his forearms on his knees. He gave Roy his signature tough guy look. Little did Max know the tough guy look was never needed? People knew to fear the Fox brothers, especially Max. He was the personification of tough. He was badass to his core.
    Roy was disoriented and confused. This was the first time he had been kidnapped.
    “Where the hell am I?” He said as he looked around the room.
    Max scowled. “Warner Brothers studios dumbass.”
    Roy sat up in bed and noticed Scar and Ryan standing off in the distance. Roy swiftly reached down in his cowboy boot but there was nothing there. He reached into his blue jeans pocket and came up empty. Roy tried his inside jacket pocket and still nothing.
    Max was grinning from ear to ear. “Full body search, bitch. I took your gun, your back up gun, your switchblade and your fucking dental floss.”
    “You think you’re so clever.” Roy had run out of tricks and witty retorts.
    “No, I just think you’re dumb as rocks.”
    “You asshole kutchers kidnapped me.” Roy shouted.
    “We need you to smoke out the vamps.” Ryan said. “You’re number three.”
    “So I’m your guinea pig.” It was all starting to make perfect sense to Roy now. They needed him. That’s why he was still alive.
    “Guinea pig no. You’re a murdering son of a bitch. You owe us big time”.
    “I don’t owe you jack squat. I didn’t shoot you Max. If you haven’t noticed, you are still alive.”
    “Guilt by association you son of a bitch.”
    “This is bullshit. I still don’t know how you turned from a vamp to a human.”
    “Are you so warped in your brain that you don’t see we’re trying to help your hillbilly ass?” Roy’s resistance pissed Max off. Max had better things to do.
    “I don’t need no saving.” Roy balked.
    “These vamps killed seven of the best hunters in this country and you think you don’t need our help.” Max shook his head.
    “Listen to him Roy. Seven hunters are already dead.” Scar tried to convince Roy that he was better off with their help.
    “What are you supposed to be? Vampire hunter Barbie? What did they brainwash you with, their pretty boy good looks?”
    “You know Roy, you’re a real fucking dick.” Max spit.
    “Bite me.” Roy barked.
    Max’s face read-- seriously-- gross. That was a thought that he never wanted to be in his head, Roy’s penis.
    Roy directed all his attention to Scar. He wanted to appeal to her. After all she was a girl. She had a heart, unlike the Fox brothers. Two stone cold killing machines. Truthfully they were no different from all the other vampire

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