Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1)

Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) by Lolah Lace Page B

Book: Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) by Lolah Lace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lolah Lace
Tags: interracial paranormal romance
hunters. The Fox brothers were just exceptionally good at their job.
    “Listen Scar, the quickest way to end up in a pine box is to hang out with the Fox brothers. You need to keep away from them.” Roy pleaded.
    “Now hold up Roy--” Ryan had heard enough of Roy’s constant jabbering. Sure Ryan was usually passive but Roy was bad mouthing them when all they ever cared about was making the world a safer place.
    “You hold up, you’re a recovering chew toy for Drack. I don’t know what magic blood ritual he used on you. I’m not even sure you’re human.” Roy barked at Ryan.
    Max had to defend his brother. “Roy you’re on the road to pissing me off.”
    “Boo hoo you ex-vamp. You two ass wipes are the kiss of death. Us regular folk don’t have magic cures for vampirism or no get out the Drack’s lair free cards. When we die, we’re dead forever.”
    “Spoken like the cowardly lion.” Max stood. He leered down at Roy. He hovered over Roy as he sat stagnant in the bed.
    “What are you going to do?” Roy taunted.
    Max balled his fist, cocked his arm back and landed a clean punch on Roy’s jaw. Roy was knocked out cold. Roy had heard about Max’s killer knockout punches and today he actually knew it to be the truth and not another one of those Fox brother myths.
    “Max why did you do that?” Ryan asked. He wished he could keep his brothers temper in check.
    “What?” Max shrugged. “He deserved it.”
    Ryan tilted his head. After a second of thought he completely agreed. Roy had it coming to him.
    Max shook out his knockout fist. He flexed his fingers.
    “So what’s next?” Ryan asked. Max was the leader. Ryan always looked to him for answers.
    “You baby-sit Shaggy. Scar and me are going to go back to the Roadhouse and try to attract some vamps. As far as I know we are next on their stupid list. Someone has to be looking for us.”
    Ryan agreed with another head tilt. “Hey you guys be careful.” It wasn’t like Ryan to say such a thing. He was always cautious but still fearless. But something made him think twice, something made him worry about his brother’s safety.
    “I’m always careful.” Max said to Ryan.
    Ryan frowned. That entire statement was a lie. Max was never careful he just was Max. He was an actions guy he did what he felt. He didn’t think twice about danger, more so now than ever his brother’s fearlessness really worried Ryan.
    Max and Scar grabbed their jackets and left Ryan all alone in the motel room with a punched out cold Roy.
    Max and Scar walked toward the gravel parking lot of the motel. An inebriated, overweight hooker in a mini skirt and go-go boots stumbled by. The hooker gave Scar a hard, cold once over, a dirty look for the history books.
    Max noticed this and arched an eyebrow in Scar’s bewildered direction. In this Scar saw his silent call to ignore the hooker.
    They silently approached the truck. Scar and Max hopped in the Range Rover and closed their doors.
    “Hey how you holding up?”
    “I’m doing good. All things considered.” Scar faked a smile.
    “I really care about you and I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You have to believe that.”
    “I do. I believe you. I feel safe with you.”
    “You should. I have you for as long as you’ll have me.”
    “You ready to go back to the roadhouse.”
    “Can we just sit here a minute?”
    “Sure.” He said.
    “Can I just feel you inside me again tonight?”
    Max’s eyes lit up. His cock grew inside his jeans. He never expected to hear that from her. He understood her urgent need for intimacy, her intense dire need to have a connection. He felt it too, like he had never felt it before. Max had fallen so hard for her. He wanted to protect her in a way he had never felt before.
    This was a scary feeling but it also was exhilarating. He had another person to care about. It felt good to care. For so long it had only been him and Ryan. Of course he also cared about his Uncle

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