Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1)

Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) by Lolah Lace

Book: Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) by Lolah Lace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lolah Lace
Tags: interracial paranormal romance
Max’s reaction.
    “I’m definitely not sorry to hear that?” Max shrugged. “But you didn’t feel the need to share it, like it and post it in my newsfeed?” Max asked Scar.
    “I just, I don’t know. They turned him. He’s playing for the other team. Now you know.”
    Max shook his head in disbelief. “Good ole two-faced back stabbing Walt.”
    “So, that crazy bastards a vamp?” Ryan joined Max with thoughts of the absurdity, a hunter now a vampire. The general rule is if you’re bitten you get someone to kill you. The cure was a myth that only a few people had known to be true.
    “Yeah, he went to the dark side.” Scar added. “He’s one of them now.”
    “That’s just fucking great.” Max spit. This was going to be a little bit harder than he once thought.
    All alone the hidden Bar Patron was quietly lurking in the shadows. He had heard enough to fill his head. He snuck back into the Hunters Roadhouse without alerting the vampire hunters that he was ever even there in the first place.
    The Bar Patron scurried inside. He made his way to the back of the roadhouse. He huddled alone in a corner near the men’s restroom. He removed his cell phone from his inside jacket pocket. He hurriedly placed a call.
    “It’s Pedro. I’m here and you need to get here fast.” He listened for a response. “There’s a buy one get three free special at the Hunters Roadhouse. Roy Raymond, number three is here with Scar and the Fox brothers.” The shady guy could barely contain his glee. This was grade-A intel. It was like he hit the lottery. That’s if the information paid off the way the vampires promised.
    Just outside Scar was holding Roy at bay. Max and Ryan had to stop and think about their actions. They didn’t kill humans although someone like Roy sure deserved to be six feet under.
    “So what, some stupid vamps are gunning for me. That’s my everyday life.”
    “These aren’t regular vamps. They don’t play by the rules. This is a profitable game to them. They won’t stop until you’re dead.”
    “I don’t need fucking Big Brother watching me.”
    Max was frustrated. He blew air from his mouth. “Maybe your brain is full of marbles or you just don’t understand what the hell we’re trying to tell you.
    Ryan took a step toward Roy “Look dude, there’s strength in numbers.”
    “Fuck the numbers, the math, the calculus, the goddamn trigonometry. I don’t want any help from the likes of the dynamic deadly duo.”
    “Roy stop being so stubborn. We have to stick together.” Scar pleaded with Roy. She even knew that being with Max and Ryan helped his chance of survival along with hers.
    “I ain’t never needed no bodyguards before. I don’t need none now.” Roy grunted through gritted teeth.
    “I’m no ones bodyguard.” Max said. “Do I look like Kevin Costner?”
    “You look like Whitney Houston.” Roy smarted off.
    “Okay funny man. How about I crack your fucking skull.”
    “Go for it pretty boy. You are going to have to shoot me right here and now because I’m not going anywhere with you and your mute brother.”
    Scar had heard the manly but childish banter and she had enough of the bickering. Faster than fast, Scar plunged a syringe full of clear liquid into Roy’s neck.
    Roy’s body went limp. Scar caught Roy as he began to fall to the ground. Ragdoll Roy was much too heavy for Scar. She couldn’t hold all of his dead weight for long.
    “Hello, could you help me with him.” Scar yelled out to Ryan and Max.
    Stunned by the sudden change of events, Max and Ryan rushed over and grabbed Roy’s lifeless body from Scar’s shaky arms.
    “Didn’t know you were going to do that.” Max added a little amazed by Scar’s quick thinking.
    Scar rolled her eyes. “Did you guys think you were going to chit chat him into coming with us?”
    Ryan and Max share an identical Fox brothers grimace. They hadn’t thought that far.
    “What did you give him?” Ryan asked.

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