Kristy Power!

Kristy Power! by Ann M. Martin

Book: Kristy Power! by Ann M. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann M. Martin
back in my seat in a flash. The walk that had seemed so long in one direction took just moments going back. The faces I passed - mostly smiling, a few frowning-were a blur. The applause tapered off as I worked my way down our row. Mary Anne stood up to give me a hug as I passed, and Claudia held up her hand for a high five. "Nice work!" whispered Jeremy.
    I felt so relieved - and incredibly proud of Merrie. I leaned past Jeremy to smile at her. "You were great," I whispered.
    She smiled. "Thanks," she murmured, shrugging. "I just said what I felt." "Me too," I answered.
    Next I glanced down the row, hoping to catch Cary's eye. It would be nice to know he approved of what I'd said. But he was staring straight ahead, listening to the next speaker, a student from one of Ted's other classes* Every other kid in our row looked back at me and grinned or gave me the thumbs-up, but Cary ignored me completely.
    I stopped listening to the kid at the podium. I wanted to patch things up with Cary, but how? Should I let him read my journal?
    "No way." I don't write in my journal often, and when I do I'm usually really upset about something. So it's pretty personal.
    What if I let Cary ask me anything - anything - and promised to answer him honestly? That might work. I'd have to think about that one.
    The meeting went on. One person after another spoke, saying the same things over and over again. First one of the protesters would speak, then one of Ted's supporters. Finally, Mr. Taylor looked at his watch and announced that it was time to end the meeting. "Let's take a ten-minute break," he suggested. "The administration will need to consult about what our next step .will be." Most people stayed in their seats during the break, and the auditorium hummed with conversation. Mr. Taylor, Mr. Kingbridge, and the teachers who were sitting with them pulled their chairs into a tight circle and talked in low voices. A couple of teachers from the audience joined Ted and his lawyers on their side of the stage.
    I talked with Jeremy, Merrie, and Claudia until Mr. Taylor stood up and walked toward the podium again. He motioned for quiet, and the audience fell silent.
    "We feel that we need more time to make a final determination in this case. It is not a matter we want to take lightly. A decision will be announced within a few days. Meanwhile, Mr. Morley will be reinstated to his position, pending final evaluation of his case." For a second, I didn't understand what he meant. Then, a huge cheer went up, and I realized that Ted would be back in the classroom with us, at least temporarily.
    Our side had won - for now.
    Chapter 13.
    "Okay, okay, that's enough!" Ted was blushing. "I mean it!" He held up his hands. "Thank you, re-All of us - the entire class - were on our feet, 'applauding. It was Tuesday, the day after the meeting. And we were giving Ted a standing ovation. It wasn't planned. It happened spontaneously, because we were so happy to see him back in our classroom. I looked around at all the smiling faces in the room: Alan, Jeremy, Claudia, Merrie - and Cary. I hadn't seen Cary smiling in quite a few days, ever since that awful moment when he figured out that I'd read his journal.
    My stomach turned over again at the thought of it. More than anything, I wished I'd never read those words. I hated knowing Cary's terrible secret. I hated that Cary was mad at me. And I hated the fact that the biography project had turned into such a mess.
    Ted finally convinced us to stop applauding and take our seats. "Thank you," he said again. "I mean it. You can't begin to imagine how much I appreciate your support." He stuck his hands in his pockets. "I guess this situation is providing my classes with a lesson I didn't plan, about personal freedom and about the First Amendment." Somebody in the back row gave a long whistle.
    Ted grinned. "That's right," he said. "The First

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