Line of Fire

Line of Fire by Simone Anderson

Book: Line of Fire by Simone Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simone Anderson
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
the house, closing the door behind them. Pulling Hayden into his arms, he captured Hayden’s mouth, turned them so Hayden was against the door and kissed him deeply. He hadn’t seen his lover in a couple of days, not wanting to raise suspicion in case someone had noticed how close they were becoming. Christian had missed this. Missed Hayden in his arms.
    “Now, that is a hello,” Hayden chuckled after they parted.
    “You smell good,” Christian said, kissing the man’s ear lightly. “Are you ready to go? To bad there isn’t time to play before we do.”
    “No, there isn’t. You should have planned better,” Hayden replied, nipping at Christian’s throat. “Just need my wallet and phone.”
    Five minutes later they were on their way to the restaurant. Christian’s nerves were taut. One more person knew he was gay. A man Hayden knew well, but Christian didn’t. A double date? What had he been thinking? And a straight couple at that. At least with another gay couple they could pretend just to be hanging out. He knew some of the wives welcomed the single guys over for dinner, usually followed by either video games or a game on the television, but he didn’t know of a single girlfriend that tolerated it. Most of them were possessive and offended if anyone was around.
    “Relax,” Hayden said, laying his hand on Christian’s thigh.
    Christian let go of the wheel and squeezed Hayden’s hand. “I am. Do you know the woman O’Shaunessy is dating?”
    “Yeah, they’ve been together for about a year and a half now. And before you ask, she doesn’t know I’m gay, she might suspect, but she’s never asked, and I’ve never told her.”
    “And she doesn’t have a problem with her boyfriend bringing a couple of friends along?”
    Hayden shrugged. “If she does, she never says anything.”
    “Not even to Brian?”
    Hayden cocked his head and was quiet for several moments before answering. “He’s never mentioned it.”
    Christian nodded and turned his attention back to the road. Hayden’s hand stayed where it was, and he took advantage of the nearness, caressing the skin with his thumb. Maybe if everything went well tonight, he could take Hayden to his favorite spot at the beach. Maybe a picnic dinner followed by a sunset, stars and sex on the beach. Lots of sex. It was naturally secluded, which offered privacy from the beachgoers. However, if anyone was doing beach entries they could have company. Christian swallowed and shook his head. He wanted to take Hayden there anyway.
    “Do you want to go to the beach with me sometime? I know this great place along the coast,” Christian said, turning briefly to Hayden.
    “I’d like that.”
    Christian noticed Hayden’s body seemed more relaxed as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. Doubt crept in. Was Hayden was happier and more relaxed because they were no longer alone or because he’d asked him out again? The first didn’t make any sense. Hayden was highly trained SEAL, defending himself was second nature so there would be no reason to fear being alone with him. The latter made more sense, especially given that Christian was proving he was more of a homebody than normal.
    Pulling into a parking spot, he wanted to hug and kiss Hayden right then and there. He gripped the steering wheel instead. He needed to figure out what he wanted and needed. Fast. Time was not on his side. Missions. Orders. Re-assignments, not to mention his own stubbornness, all threatened their relationship. Squeezing Hayden’s hand, he turned the truck off and pocketed his keys.
    Christian followed Hayden into the restaurant, wanting to touch him, to mark him as taken. He swallowed his desire and kept his hands to himself. If his team knew then maybe, but they didn’t, and if anyone who knew them saw them those types of gestures would be all over base by mid-morning. Hayden gave their name to the hostess, who led them to the back of the restaurant and a booth that

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