My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)

My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) by Stephanie Jean

Book: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) by Stephanie Jean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Jean
inches from me.
    “So are you , um…ready?”
    I pointed to the bag I had packed.
    “Is that it?” He sounded disappointed.
    “How long did you plan on me staying?”
    “Well, do you have a bigger suitcase?”
    I pulled the one I had under the bed.
    “Great, this is a good start.” He walked into my closet and started grabbing clothes and stuffing my suitcase full. “Where are your pajamas and panties?”
    I giggled when he said “panties,” and pointed. He did more grabbing and stuffing. When he was done, he handed me my original bag and carried the big suitcase.
    “I think someone has high hopes for the weekend.” I raised my eyebrow as I looked at him and the suitcase. He only laughed. “Seriously , I think you are setting yourself up for disappointment.” I was feeling pressure, but couldn’t run from him. He was being so generous.
    He turned around before reaching the front door. “You could never disappoint me, ever.” He said it, but I knew I could.
    “You are a little over the top right now. It is not s ettling right.” I was getting nervous. Why was he pushing so hard for a girl he’d just met?
    “Sorry , I will back off, I promise.”
    We looked up when Heather came out of her bedroom.
    “I guess you’re leaving.” She had a sad face on, complete with the raccoon eyes. I couldn’t leave her like this. She might have been wrong, but she was my best friend.
    I turned to Jason . “You go and put the luggage in my car. I will be right behind you.” I made a motion to look for my keys.
    He nodded his head toward Heather. “I got it. You stay as long as you need to. I will wait downstairs. Bo, you stay here.” He looked at Bo, and I think they had an understanding of some sort. He closed the door, and I turned to Heather.
    “This might be good for us, some time apart?” I asked it more than said it. “We have been attached for a really long time.” I wanted her to understand how much I needed this. “Jason is my right now, Heather. Isn’t that what you would say in college? When you knew it wasn’t going to last, but wanted a male distraction.  That is all he is to me a beautiful distraction.  I can’t sit around here and organize and clean, waiting for you to come home from all of your adventures.  He’s my right now, just to take my mind off of life.”
    Heather let a tear fall down her cheek.
    “Please don’t worry about me. I feel connected to him somehow. He really has a big heart, and he is kind and patient. For the first time in my life, I am going with my heart and not my over worked brain.  Heather, I am not running.” I took her hand and pulled her in for a hug. “Seriously, would you have waited three months for me to talk to you?”
    She pulled away. “I know I have said this a lot lately, but I am sorry. You have always been the less nosy one. You never seem to get into my business . Even when I ask, you always tell me I need to make my own choices. He seems to like you.” She laughed at the tears falling from her eyes. “I think I am jealous sharing you for the first time.”
    “You will always be like a sister to me. I love you.” I did love Heather, she was my only constant.  She never asked about my past or my family.  The day my grandfather died, Heather was at my side.  When I told her I needed to leave before my family got there, she helped, without thought or question.  I would always be indebted to her for that. 
    At that , she broke down and started to really cry. I went in the bathroom and brought her the box of tissues.
    She looked up . “When you say it like that, it feels so final.”
    “I am not sure why you are crying, b ecause Jason will be sick of me very soon. Don’t start looking for roommates. I am sure I’ll be back on Monday.” I hugged her again and then turned toward the door.
    “If he is a smart guy , you won’t ever come home. Call me, K?” She sat on the sofa and cried.
    * * * *
    The entire walk to the car felt

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