My Libertine (Trio Book 2)

My Libertine (Trio Book 2) by Joy Blood Page A

Book: My Libertine (Trio Book 2) by Joy Blood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joy Blood
you for letting me stay. Here is some money for rent.” He says tossing an envelope onto the kitchen table and starts for the door. A little courage seems to overtake me and I step into his path.
    “I don't want your money Row.”
    “Too bad. I crashed here and said I was paying rent. There it is. Do what you want with it.”
    “You are just going to leave?” he nods his head. Rubbing his lips together, eyebrows knit.
    “I'm sorry about the other night, shouldn't have happened.” I look closer at him and see a slight smear of red lipstick on the side of his mouth and looking further down I see that he has three hickeys just peaking out of the top of his tee shirt. He smells like a woman too and sex. I just about loose it again. He must see me looking at the marks because he seems to look guilty. “Sorry.” He says once again and side steps me to walk out the door.
    “That's it? You’re sorry? What the hell Row? Why did you come here? Why did you continue to talk to me? Text me?” questions so many questions. He stops his stride, with his back to me I see his shoulders slump.
    “I couldn't stay away. Couldn't get you out of my head. You don't need someone like me in your life, and I don't want someone like you in mine.” My heart drops right there. Shattered to pieces all over my kitchen floor. “Goodbye, Dove.” He says then walks out.
    I'm broken hearted, but I have no time to wallow, I have a child to take care of. I don't let myself think about Row, only at night when my mind drifts to him in the quiet. I finish watching our show that we started together, guess I'm a glutton for punishment. I really don't even know how to justify what happened between us. There was a connection that is for sure, but I can't grasp why he reacted the way he did.
    My dad started dating the Realtor, Leanna, and he seems so happy with her. I'm happy for him. She apparently was persistent enough and he finally gave in. They went out a few weeks after he moved into his new place and have been seeing each other for three months now.
    Karter is eight months old now and moving around like crazy. I got him a walker and he has a hell of a time rolling all over the apartment. His favorite thing to do is try to get into the cupboards, only getting the door open so far before it hits the bottom of his walker. Pisses him off. He is growing so fast and it fills my heart every time he smiles at me. He is happy and that is all I want for him.
    Cris came back and has been quieter than usual. Every time I see her sad face I want to punch Dez in the face. I never did tell her about his stopping here and me yelling at him, thought it best not to. Today the three of us are going to have a girl’s day. Makeovers and all that. My dad said we all deserved some fun time and wouldn't take no for an answer paying in advance for everything. First, we are headed to the salon to get our hair done and nails too. Fun and gossip.
    “So who do you think would be better in bed? Thor or Captain America?” Linn asks while the three of us are soaking our feet.
    “Really Linnie?” Cris says rolling her eyes.
    “Well, Thor, of course, he is a god after all,” I state.
    “But Cap is a super soldier.” She argues. Then from out of nowhere Cris says.
    “I'm a little particular to Bruce Banner.” We both gape at her.
    “Hulk? Seriously? He would crush you.” Linn says.
    “But he as a person seems so sweet, and that last movie was so touching.” She says. Interesting. We get giggles from the salon ladies. Have been all day with Linn's antics. She is always the life of the party. This is just what I needed and I think Cris did too, she seems happy today.
    “I talked to Dez yesterday.” Cris blurts out later while we are having lunch. I almost choke on my sandwich and smack her upside the head. But decide against it and just hear her out.
    “Okay and?” I ask. Linn is unusually quiet when Cris reveals this and I can't help but wonder if she is

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