My Libertine (Trio Book 2)

My Libertine (Trio Book 2) by Joy Blood

Book: My Libertine (Trio Book 2) by Joy Blood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joy Blood
one more in. He fucks my pussy with his fingers slowly,so damn slow I think I am going to scream. He is teasing me. I'm going to die right now of frustration. I start pushing my hips to him and I can feel him grin while his lips play with me.
    “Greedy girl.” He hums on my sex. “You want more?” he asks. Just loving my desperation. I answer with a harder thrust to his mouth. He chuckles then pushes forcefully with his mouth sucking harder and faster. Oh yes. Yes. I reciprocate the movements, grinding my pussy against his mouth and fingers. Faster and faster until I'm moaning his name and grabbing my nipples hard. Coming all over his face. I feel his other had come up to hold me in place as my body melts. He holds me there licking me clean then places a soft kiss on my clit, letting my leg back down to the floor. His other hand comes up to hold my hips so I don't fall. He rises up above me and looks down into my face. I'm breathless when I lock eyes with him. I see so many things in his eyes I can’t place. Then suddenly he breaks the contact and backs away like I just burned him.
    “Sorry.” He says then as fast as he possibly can rushes out the front door. Leaving me standing there wondering what the fuck just happened?

    It's been three days. Three fucking days! He hasn't been back. His bag is still in his room but still nothing. No text no nothing. I'm fuming. I know we aren't in a relationship or anything but the way he left in my book is not cool, not fucking cool at all. Been there done that. I haven't said a word to Linn or Cris about that night. I have been trying my best to not think about it myself because I just get pissed. Like I am now. Sorry? He is sorry? What the hell does that even mean? A knock on the door takes me from my angry thoughts. Opening it the last person I expect to see there is Dez. It is just about to be his unlucky day.
    “What do you want? Haven't you done enough?” I snap at him. He visibly flinches.
    “So she told you then?” he asks. Frickin Aussie accent of his. Not having it right now.
    “Yes, she did. What the fuck were you thinking talking to her like that?” he ignores me.
    “She here?” oh fucking no.
    “No. She isn't here you dumb ass. She left, you broke her heart and she left. Happy with yourself.” I'm being mean I know this.
    “Where did she go? To her mom’s?” he asks. Like I'm just going to tell him.
    “She is done with you leave her alone.” I sneer.
    “Fine.” He takes a deep breath. “I really do love her. I just. I tried. Tried to be with her but every time she pushed me away.”
    “Oh it's her fault now?” fucking men.
    “No, not what I'm saying. I know she had some shit go down in the past. Stuff that fucked her up. I just don't have the capacity to help her through it and I fucked up.” He says looking like the sad little bitch he is.
    “You sure did Dez. My advice is to forget her. Because she is on her way to forgetting you.” I say and slam the door in his face. Yes, he shouldn't have come here right at this moment. I feel bad for snapping and taking my anger out on him, we were once friends. I just can't get over what he did or said to Cris. She is like a sister to me and he broke her heart and in turn broke mine too. The guy always seemed to bring out the once happy bubbly side of her she has kept tucked away for the past couple years. Prick. Why do guys have to be so dumb? That just so happens to be the time Row decides to walk through the door. He stops when he sees me. Unsure of what to do.
    “Just came to get my things.” Is all he says and walks past me to go to his room. As pissed as I was right before he walked in I can’t seem to say anything to him. My heart is racing at the thought of him being here. Not five minutes later he walks back out, bag slung over his shoulder. Guess he is leaving. I just stand there and look at him pleading with my eyes for an answerer I'm sure I will never get.

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