Nobody Loves a Bigfoot Like a Bigfoot Babe

Nobody Loves a Bigfoot Like a Bigfoot Babe by Simon Okill Page A

Book: Nobody Loves a Bigfoot Like a Bigfoot Babe by Simon Okill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon Okill
Tags: bigfoot
watched Lou scratch her behind with a smirk. "Don't scratch, it just makes them bite all the more."
    Lou gave the armchair a look of disgust then looked back at her amiable host. "That armchair stinks more than just dog. What the hell made that smell?" It sure as hell reminded her of each crime scene, but not as pungent.
    Duane was slow to reply as he gave the matter some thought while scratching his butt with his thinking finger. He blew out his cheeks and shook his head.
    "Search me, Lou. You know I never lock my door . . . guess some critter nested there while I was away . . . a skunk maybe."
    She loved Duane, but why couldn't he take more pride in himself and his home? "You know it wouldn't hurt to get a haircut and put on some decent clothes and give this place a dusting." She thought the only thing this place needed was a bulldozer.
    Duane didn't reply for a minute. He gave Lou one of his amiable smiles before he spoke. "I'm happy the way things are."
    Most times she found that amiable smile of his hard to resist, like now. She smiled affectionately at him.
    "Love you, Duane, you scruffy, lazy bastard."
    Duane didn't take offense at her remark. He just continued to smile that amiable smile of his as he watched her place her mug on the floor then walk over to the door.

    DUANE STOOD ON THE PORCH and watched Sheriff Lou's patrol car drive away down the dirt road. He smiled as he waved goodbye.
    As soon as the cruiser had turned a corner in the dirt road, he called out, "Teeelaaa!" He gave the safe whistle several times.
    He scanned the perimeter of the forest that surrounded the cabin. From behind a fir tree stepped a stunning, six and a half foot, foxy red Bigfoot with gold-colored streaks in her hair. Teeelaaa had a bright yellow streak running down her forehead to her pert little snout that twitched incessantly seeking signs of danger. Her suckle-bumps were fully developed and quite overly-sized for a female Bigfoot. Her snout told her she was indeed safe.
    Duane smiled, and beckoned her to come to him with a wave of his hand and a come-hither whistle.
    Teeelaaa sniffed the air again as if to make sure no other pale ones were nearby, stepping into the clearing.
    She skipped up to Duane, squealing with joy, "Weeeeooooeeee."
    "I don't know about you, but I'm hungrier than a grizzly after winter," Duane said with a smile, rubbing his stomach and licking his lips, "Teeelaaa hungry?"
    Teeelaaa nodded yes.
    Duane nodded his head as he entered his cabin to make them something to eat in the kitchen.
    Teeelaaa eagerly watched Duane preparing her favorite-canned tuna on toast with melted cheese topping. And for a special treat he plopped a big dollop of mayonnaise on top. Bigfoot went nuts for mayonnaise, especially the garlic variety.
    Many times Duane had blissfully watched Teeelaaa and her hairy friends scavenge for food as nature intended. With her powerful hands she would rip from the earth bunches of wild garlic and devour them with relish. She also went nuts for nuts of all kinds and bonkers for berries.
    Berries held a special meaning to Bigfoot, but more on that later.

    EARLY THE FOLLOWING MORNING, a shiny, black FBI Sedan drove at the regulation steady pace-well within the speed limit, down the narrow two-lane highway towards the town of Big Beaver.
    Agent Willis Johnson sat in the passenger seat irately tapping his fingertips on both knees. He was tight-lipped as he looked out of the window at the endless row of trees passing by. It was clearly evident he was not in the best of moods. The closer he got to Big Beaver the worse his nerves jangled-nerves of guilt-nerves due to
    Agent Merlot was at the wheel. Occasionally she would smile to herself at the sight of such pleasing scenery, or a red-tailed hawk soaring above; it made a welcome change to concrete gray.
    Coming into view was a road sign—"Bigfoot Bend — please slow down for Bigfoot crossing the road."
    Merlot chuckled out loud and pointed to

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