One Night with the CEO

One Night with the CEO by Mia Sosa

Book: One Night with the CEO by Mia Sosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Sosa
“Really. That’s all?”
    He lifted his eyebrows and lowered his sunglasses to stare at her. “Yes, that’s all . What did you expect?”
    “I’m not sure what I expected, but the possibility of a guys’ night at the casino had never entered her mind. That sounds…civilized.”
    “How fitting. We’re civilized men, after all.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Of course you are.”
    “The sarcasm is noted, Ms. Ramirez. Anyway, I should ask you the same question. What are you, Gracie, and Mimi doing tonight?”
    “Gracie has requested an in-room massage, in-room dining, and a movie marathon.”
    “That sounds nice. I think I’ll ditch Ethan and join you.”
    “That’s the plan at least, but Mimi’s been spending time with that Marine she met on the plane, so it might just be Gracie and me.”
    “I don’t know Mimi well, but I highly doubt she’d miss your mini-bachelorette party. She strikes me as a loyal friend.”
    “No, you’re right. She wouldn’t miss it. But I’ll admit that the idea of spending time alone with Gracie would be just as great. I mean, Mimi’s a blast, but it’s different when she’s around. She’s loud and likes to be the center of attention. My gut tells me Gracie’s going to be focused on a little introspection tonight. Mimi won’t necessarily be conducive to that.”
    “Maybe she’ll surprise you.” He thought back to that uncomfortable moment between Mimi and Daniel at the pre-wedding dinner. “There’s a reason she and Gracie are so close, right? I doubt Mimi is always fun and games. No person can be like that one hundred percent of the time.”
    She stared out the car window, her face suggesting she was lost in thought. “That’s a fair point.”
    Minutes later, they arrived at the beach. With nowhere to park the car, Mark sent the driver on his way and promised to call him when they needed to be picked up again.
    After he’d taken a few steps in the sand, Mark stopped and stared out at the clear and calm waters. “Wow. This is breathtaking.”
    Beside him, Karen shielded her face against the sun and smiled. “Yeah. My earliest memories of visiting Puerto Rico begin here. Our family loved this beach. It’s where the locals go, far away from the touristy beaches in places like Condado.” She removed her sandals and held them in one hand. “Want to dip your feet in?”
    He kicked off his sandals. “I do.”
    They walked to the water’s edge. Karen stuck a toe in the water and sprang back. “Too cold.”
    He whipped around and tried to splash her with his feet. “Nonsense. This is perfect.”
    She returned to the water’s edge and tiptoed into the water. “ Brrr. I don’t care what you say. It’s cold. But I’ll get used to it. C’mon. There’s a kiosk about a quarter mile down the beach. We can grab a snack there.”
    They walked along the shore, their progress slowed by the wet sand and the occasional wave breaking at their feet. With one hand holding her hair back against the wind, Karen pointed out places she and her family had frequented during their summer vacations, and she divulged another secret: She’d learned to swim when she was nine, after a near-drowning incident at this very beach.
    “Are you afraid of the water now?” he asked.
    “A little. I’ll put my feet in the water, but I haven’t taken a swim in over a decade.”
    “Maybe one day I’ll convince you to wade in with me.”
    Without a hint of sarcasm in her voice, she rejected that idea out of hand. “Not going to happen.”
    The kiosk came into view, the center of a social gathering the likes of which he’d never seen in a beach setting. Adults and children, some in swimwear and others casually dressed, ate and socialized in groups. To the right of the kiosk, employees of a makeshift produce market disassembled the display of fresh fruits and vegetables, carrying them away in large wooden crates. Dusky yellow lamplights turned on as the sun set in the distance. Several sets of

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