Pippa's Rescue

Pippa's Rescue by JJ Keller Page B

Book: Pippa's Rescue by JJ Keller Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Keller
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, spicy, Valkyrie, Valhalla
at her side.
    Electricity jolted through her body and left through her feet, grounding her to a solid marble floor. She’d landed in a suite of rooms decorated in dark blues, grays, and whites. They looked familiar. Best case scenario she’d transferred into a room in the new coliseum. Had Kiara called her back? She’d expected to see Göndul and hear a stern, creative punishment.
    Skogul took a step, wobbled, and righted. Inhaling a deep breath, she centered and exhaled. Whole again and able to walk a straight line, she stepped farther into the foyer. Through an open door, a few feet away, Kiara stood next to a soaking pool, holding fluffy pewter towels and a robe. “Come, we don’t have much time.”
    Excited that she’d avoided hell and Göndul, Skogul ran forward, stripped, and climbed into the warm bubbly water. “Did you send for me? What was that strange and painful portal?”
    Kiara shoved a thick blonde braid over her shoulder and sat on the edge of the bathing pool, as graceful as the queen mother. “I’ve been watching you through Heimdallr’s interplanetary view.”
    Unthinkable! Kiara called her from an assignment and put her in danger. How much had the independent, stubborn Harrison influenced her friend? “Does Harrison know about your relationship with Heimdallr?”
    “Past relationship. The best part of being in love: no secrets. Harrison is my whole world, so yes he does.”
    Skogul tried to ignore the pain slicing through her body. At one time they were best friends until a man changed their sisterly bond.
    “Heimdallr helped me sneak you in without using the tunnel so alerts wouldn’t be issued. We only have a few minutes. I thought you could use a bit of relaxation after spending so much time in the stables. I mean—”
    “Got it. So what do you think? What approach should I take? I think he’s falling in love with the girl, Pippa. Love is a ridiculous notion and will make my offer less appealing.” Although her mind chased the foolish concept aside, her tender heart grasped for love, desire, and spending time with a mate. Love. Aidan Hall’s image clouded her clear perspective.
    Kiara frowned. Heat rushed to Skogul’s face. Great, what had she said wrong? She kept making mistakes. Skogul, zero points; everyone else, four.
    “You’re my best friend,” Kiara said, creating eddies in the water with the tips of her fingers. “I’m not one to criticize.”
    “Come on, out with it.” Her hot face cooled a little. At least Kiara still regarded her as her best friend. Skogul swiped a soap laden sponge over her shoulders and along her arms. Lavender was her favorite base scent and Kiara had provided the special formula, a mixture of flowering herbs, sage, bergamot, and a touch of frankincense.
    “You’ve wasted time watching television.” Kiara rushed the words. The side of her mouth had lifted and her eyes nearly shut. Was she afraid? Never had any of their conversations created an odd facial expression.
    “I was getting my footing and learning about the environment,” she snapped.
    Kiara’s back stiffened.
    Oh, no.
    “You took a dress.”
    Wanting to dip under the water to avoid this conversation she shrugged. “Had to borrow a garment to fit in.”
    “For a date. You allowed another human to see you.”
    “Stop right there. The only human I exposed myself too was Basil. Although he’s clearly not interested in my seductive approach—”
    “I saw you with the vet, Aidan.”
    Skogul flipped, causing the scented bath water to release the steam in the air, and took hold of Kiara’s hand. Had her friend seen the pain the earthling caused her? “I wanted, tried, to be with him. We connected. He could see me without revelation.”
    Kiara sighed. “You fell in love. Only true love allows a mortal to see a Valkyrie outside of battle.”
    Skogul snorted with derision, although it didn’t sound nearly as derisive as she would have liked. “Old wives’ tale told around a

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