Pippa's Rescue

Pippa's Rescue by JJ Keller Page A

Book: Pippa's Rescue by JJ Keller Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Keller
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, spicy, Valkyrie, Valhalla
she forced a smile and trotted to Titan’s side as Dr. Hall evaluated the equine’s newly healed wounds in broad daylight. What had the two men been arguing about? They’d just met. Were they fighting over a woman? Lavender and sage masked the scents of hay. Other than the stable hands and volunteers, smelling of hard labor sweat, no her had remained in stable one. Pippa scanned the faces in the crowd trying to sort through the women who might be involved with Basil and/or Aidan.
    She moved to the left of Titan and turned to Basil. She had no regrets for not having sex again last night. Pippa shook her head. She’d considered engaging in intercourse this morning when his junk nudged against her backside. Rarely was her instinct about a man wrong. Colossal mistake with this one. She should guard her heart against Vanguard. Had she forgotten he only searched for her brother?
    “Consider this part of the transferring of duties, Aidan. You have agreed to take the position, correct?” Doc shouted to be heard over the amazed crowd— growing larger and louder by the minute.
    “Yes, I’m taking the position. As far as the salve used on Titan—” Aidan stroked the horse’s neck, who in turn bowed his head. He’d quickly gone from shy, fearful horse to docile. “My concoction isn’t unlike other holistic remedy. Lavender to promote healing, bee pollen, and comfrey to soothe and help the wounds close and prevent infection. The salve is applied three times a day. I start with a goldenseal wash and provide electrolytes to battle the dehydration in combination with oats, valerian, and chamomile for anxiety.” Titan rubbed his nose against Aidan, nudging him. The vet’s hand went back to rubbing the equine’s ears. “I created a poultice with vitamin B12 and comfrey. Then the thin layer of salve I mentioned, afterward. Nothing unusual.”
    Just a few days ago there were gaping wounds on the animal’s hide. Strange things had happened since Basil’s arrival at the ranch. Now this horse’s miraculous healing.
    Something wasn’t right.
    Pippa pointed. “Why does that odd glitter surround the healed areas?”
    “Bee pollen has a sheen. I believe the power of positive thinking and excellent care provided by Wilson Horse Rescue staff and volunteers is the reason this horse has healed so quickly. Each of you is responsible for the health of this poor soul.” Dr. Hall grabbed his bag from the gravel. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find a place to live because I’m going to be your new veterinarian.” He turned to her. “Pippa, I’d like to adopt Titan.”
    “Yes, of course. Mattie will start the paperwork.” She glanced at Basil. His gaze traveled from the veterinarian’s hands to the horse’s flank. Did he question the incredible recovery as well? She took hold of Titan’s reins and turned him about. “Perhaps everyone should resume their duties.”
    Basil didn’t follow her into the stable. Instead he went to Aidan and stopped him from getting inside the SUV. Pippa tried, without success, to read their lips. Aidan nodded. Basil tapped his arm. Aidan climbed behind the wheel of his vehicle and drove away.
    Her gaze leveled with Basil’s. He wasn’t smiling. Instead, he marched toward her like a Marine going into battle.

Chapter 10
    Specks of light floated around Skogul as she tumbled through the black hole at breakneck speed. Shards of brilliance hadn’t happened before. Usually she and Bella, her flying horse, de-solidified in Asgard and re-solidified on Earth or whichever planet they sought Einherjar recruits without flashing eye-hurting lights.
    For a moment a thought crossed her mind, filled her with an inkling of fear. She could be plummeting toward the underworld, or as Kiara claimed, the bowels of hell. Adapted to the pressure and pain of the transportation tightened her muscles in preparation for whatever environment she landed. She’d fight, with every last breath, and clutched the dagger

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