Power Play

Power Play by Ben Bova

Book: Power Play by Ben Bova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Bova
Tags: Fiction, Sci-Fi
With a grin he added, “Give him a dose of my charm.”
    “Right,” said Jake. “Will do.”
    The conversation moved on to other subjects, other problems, other opportunities: extending the state’s old-age benefits, genetically engineered corn, climate change. Amy wondered aloud how the United Mine Workers would react to the promise of MHD.
    “They’re not as important here as in West Virginia,” Tomlinson said. “This is a right-to-work state, remember. No union-closed shops.”
    Amy countered, “Still, the union’s endorsement could be a nice feather in your cap. It could get you national recognition.”
    Tomlinson nodded. Then he said, “We’ve got to bring the electric utilities on board.”
    “That might not be so easy. They’ve been in Leeds’s camp for years.”
    “Then we’ll have to pry them loose from Leeds.”
    Amy nodded. “We can try.”
    By the time they had finished the sherbet and fruit cups of dessert, Jake could see that Tomlinson was eager to make MHD not merely a part of his campaign, but the central plank in a platform that stressed change.
    Well, he thought to himself, every outsider candidate talks about change. The tough trick is to make the changes real once you get elected.
    As they got up from the dining room table Tomlinson excused himself. “I’ve got a couple of dozen phone calls to make. Get the ball rolling. No time to waste.”
    “Then you’re going to announce that you’ll run?” Amy asked.
    “In due time. And I’m not just going to run,” Tomlinson said, smiling warmly at her, “I’m going to win.”
    She looked like a true believer staring at the object of her worship.
    Tomlinson headed for his office while Amy led Jake to the front door with the butler hovering a discreet few steps behind them.
    “Isn’t it wonderful?” she said, almost dreamily. “He’s going to run. And he’s going to win. I just know he will.”
    Jake shook his head. “Sinclair could be a problem. He seems dead-set on keeping the program out of politics.”
    Laying a hand on Jake’s arm, Amy said, “You set up a meeting with Sinclair. Let Franklin talk to him. He can charm anyone into doing anything.”
    Jake stared at her. “What’s he charmed you into?”
    Amy’s eyes went wide for a moment, then she laughed lightly. “Jake, you’re jealous!”
    Suddenly feeling flustered, he replied, “I guess I am.”
    “And possessive,” she added, more gravely.
    He had no response for that.
    “Do you want me to go home with you? Is that it?”
    Of course that’s it! he shouted silently. But he couldn’t say it out loud. One roll in the hay doesn’t mean you own her, stupid. She probably just did it to get you to help Tomlinson.
    He heard himself ask, “Are you sleeping with him?”
    “Is that important to you?”
    She was gazing steadily into his eyes, as if searching for something. Her eyes were almost greenish, he saw, with flecks of brown in them.
    “Come on,” Amy said. “Let’s go to your place. I’ll follow your car.”
    “Are you sleeping with him?” Jake repeated.
    “No,” she said firmly.
    He thought it was a lie. But he didn’t care. Not with her standing so close that he could feel her breathing, sense her perfume, take her for his own.
    At least for this night.


    The months flew by. Jake stayed as close as he could to Bob Rogers, absorbing everything the physicist had to tell him about MHD. They even started meeting at the gym every Wednesday afternoon for an hour of one-on-one on the basketball court. Although Rogers was ten years older than Jake, he was in much better condition; he delighted in running rings around Jake, leaving him puffing and sweaty.
    After a few weeks Jake began to do a little better. By god, he told himself, I’m getting back into shape! On the rare occasions when he was on campus, Tim Younger joined them and ran both of them ragged. It was the only time Jake saw Younger laugh.
    Jake had expected

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